Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1804: : The fox tribe

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"It seems that the crisis is in contact. It's no longer my business. I will take a step first."

"Eh...I still have words..."

The wind has no psychological preparation, and the arrogant white wolf king has disappeared into the air.

The wind that had been riding on it fell directly from the air, and a big fart squat, and it hurt the buttocks.

However, she is still used to it, after all, its protection is so personal, and it is not the first time.

Ignoring the white wolf king, Feng Xi also took on the black iron gloves he developed, and squeezed the monster that he could see with his naked eyes.

In order to prevent Xie Dongyang from being injured accidentally, Xie Dongyang was specially circled in a fixed place, just like the circle painted by Sun Wukong.

Xie Dongyang really didn't dare to move, and didn't move at all...

He knows deeply that he is an incapable Muggle, and this kind of time of battle still does not add chaos.

Watching the young boy shoot the monsters with bows and arrows, and the wind blows his head.

One by one was dragged out of the dark jungle, and then killed.

The amount is so huge that Xie Dongyang and Feng Xi are a little trembling...

They were not afraid, but feared afterwards. They just felt lucky that such a scene did not let Hua Sheng come.

Huasheng is pregnant now, and the reaction is particularly big. If he comes, he will have fetal qi in the face of these monsters...

In short, not let Huasheng come is the best choice.

"Lying trough, how much is this?"

I just feel that these ghosts can't be killed, and the wind is a little weak. Fortunately, the young man's fighting ability is very good.

I couldn't see any tiredness at all. I could shoot dozens of them in one breath, and finally...After half an hour, the jungle was finally quiet.

The silver-haired boy opened his eyes in the sky and nodded. "It's all cleaned up."

"God, young man, thanks to your help this time...please..."

The windy words didn't wait to finish, and the kid stood tall and responded proudly, "Nangong Liuyue."

"Uh... how is a woman's name?" The wind whispered softly.

Seeing the cold eyes cast by the boy, the wind laughed busy, "Ah, I mean, you look like Qingguoqingcheng, I didn't expect the name to be so fairy-tale, ha, you are a fox. I think you have the mark of the Fox family."

Feng Xi pointed at something on his forehead, and the teenager nodded slightly, "Following the order of the white dyed emperor, come and shoot the vampire."

"Wow, the white fox is really doing a good job. Turn around and thank him for me."

"No, I heard that this is a deal between our emperor and goddess."

"Goddess?" The wind was shocked again.

The young boy insisted on continuing to say, "It is our nine days of pure blood goddess. It is said to mean goddess. Now that the goddess is in the world, the emperor asked me to protect."

"Ah, the goddess you said is Ashen, haha, almost confused by you."

The wind came back, and the goddess in the boy's mouth was A Sheng.

No wonder A Sheng said that those vampires will be dealt with, and it seems that they have already talked to the White Fox privately.

"Are you also a fox demon?"

"Yes, there is no God, but I don't harm people, and I also followed some monks with deep spells and learned to cut monsters and demons."

"I see it, it's not very young, it's quite good." Feng Xi thumbs up.

"I'm six hundred and fifty years old."

The wind:...

"'re really super young." Feng Xi looked embarrassed, and he forgot about five hundred years before he could regain his human form. This kid really should be over five hundred years old.

However, in the demon world, the sixties are really a hairy kid. Bai Suzhen is still thousands of years old?

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