Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1824: : Silly

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Qing knew that this group of monsters would come. After all, the last thing was miscalculated, this was a mistake.

The vampires still didn't have Dekas, but they had a few raw faces.

But this group of people's high-profile foreign faces is enough to make her die hundreds of times, and her son...

If it had been before, Hua Qing was afraid that he would only promise to promise, and would rather kneel on the ground to beg for mercy.

Now, she has nowhere to go, and she is sincere with Huasheng.

Although, Hua Qing still doesn't like Hua Sheng, a younger sister, but she knows that in this world, except Hua Sheng.

No one can protect her, at least no one can move the vampires.

Neither the Zhuoya group behind Qiao Xue nor the mysterious person behind Xie Dongyao can help her.

The three of them can get together. They are skillful for their own benefit, but in fact they are still their masters, just to be their own dog.

"You **** woman, adults are so important to you, but you have let him down three times or five times."

"I tried my best." Hua Qing seemed panic, but in fact he was not afraid.

She believes that Huasheng will not care about her life and death, at least she can help Huasheng lead Qiao Xue.

"It’s not that easy to die. The adult said, I’m going to turn you into the lowest and most humble vampire, afraid of light, afraid of the cross, anything that is afraid of anything, and can only survive by drinking the blood of the corpse. woman."

After that, a vampire flew towards Huaqing with his teeth and claws.

But before she touched her body, something was passed through her heart in an instant.

Before waiting to see clearly, this person turned into dust and scattered in the air.

Only a golden arrow bar stool fell to the ground, and a harsh and crisp voice sounded.

The remaining three were terrified, looking left and right, looking for a goal.

At this time, behind the white curtains next to Huaqing's window, there was a blurry figure...

"Someone sneaky, come out."

"Several flies, disgusting people can't sleep, I will clean it up."

After that, the teenager pulled out three arrows directly from behind and shot the bow.

The explosive power and penetrating power at that moment were unexpected.

Hua Qing didn't see the direction of the arrow, but the three people turned to ashes one after another...

"Clean it up and clean it up."

"thank you."

"No, I was ordered by the goddess to save you."

After that, the silver-haired boy disappeared on the balcony of the Huaqing family in a flash.

Hua Qing was a little shocked, and walked over and looked at the ground, leaving only a little dust, as if everything just now did not exist.

Those brutal vampires were so easily destroyed?

The boy's arrow? That teenager's face? What exactly was that boy?

Hua Qing was only shocked. Even the wind didn't have such a skill. Now he is actually convinced by a teenager.

It seems that in the future, whether it is Decas or Leia, she does not have to be afraid.

Also, what was the boy Guan Huasheng called just now?


It seems that Hua Sheng still has secrets she doesn't know, and there are also many talented helpers. Although she was forced to resign, she seems to be right now.

"Mom, why don't you sleep yet?"

Hua Qing's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by his son.

"How are you up, what time is it, go to sleep."

"Mom, I'm thinking of Uncle Liu a little bit, can he live in our house in the future?" the child said silly.

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