Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1839: : Yoshiyoshi unknown

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"This kid..."

Xiao Hei really dare not say it.

"You said?"

"Forget it, a lot of things haven't happened, and I can't say it. Even a fortune-teller like my master can't predict. How can I say that I just think that her pregnancy is hard and not easy. You must treat her well. "

"That's natural, rest assured."

Soon after finishing the dialogue, Jiang Liu returned to the master bedroom with full of thoughts.

Xiaohei sighed slightly at the handsome figure, "You can say you are a Muggle, even if you deceived you is not a pure Muggle, my master has the blood of the Jiutian family, this child... can't be born, I really don’t know what it looks like, I’m afraid it will disturb the people in Jiuzhong heaven?"

Xiao Hei is not afraid to say, but what can he say?

Jiangliu always looks like a Muggle. Fortunately, the last time the demon came, he awakened once, but... so unstable, who knows if he can protect the child and the master?

Xiao Hei's memory is sometimes gone. When he is awake, he will remember more ancient things, and he can still vaguely see the river at that time.

But confused, I can't remember anything.

Xiao Hei thinks, what kind of hands and feet have been touched by his brain, otherwise how could he be so unstable?

So many words, it still has to be retained, there is no way to say to the river.

The wind on the other side was comfortable, and when she woke up, everything was over.

So one less link is thrilling.

But with their relationship, they still visited Hua Zhi and the children with Qin Wanyu.

Wang Jiadelier, this is a great happy event in Jiangcheng.

Before waiting to hide it, I went directly to the news, and then the server exploded.

Because the Wang family has a head and a face, Hua Zhi is also a top-level traffic.

Although not in the circle, it is still a big brother.

On the same day, 57 celebrities in the entertainment circle posted on Weibo, congratulations to Hua Zhi for your son.

Hua Zhi is still in the hospital, and naturally a female assistant responded to them.

There are hundreds of thousands of comments on Weibo, as fierce as they were then.

Coincidentally, when the wind came and Qin Wanyu came, Xie Dongyang also came.

It came from myself, and even more **** is Ai Chen.

When Ai Chen saw Xie Dongyang, he also deliberately ridiculed, "What a coincidence, isn't this my Bai Yueguang?"

Xie Dongyang is no longer a Maotou, but he also smiled, "Yeah, what a coincidence, a big star."

"Since they all watch Hua Zhi, let's go in together?"

"it is good."

Ai Chen likes Xie Dongyang very much, so she is naturally in a good mood. Although she hasn't caught up for a long time, she has become a good friend with Xie Dongyang.

Hua Zhi is still the majority shareholder of Xie Dongyang Company, so no matter what, Xie Dongyang is fine.

Fortunately, Huasheng left early and didn't meet Xie Dongyang.

Otherwise, the wife's powder, brain powder, and mother powder are really crazy.

It is estimated that the wife will talk again, saying that Hua Sheng and Xie Dongyang are one leg away.

This rumor is simply a menstrual patch, once a month.

Fortunately, Huasheng is used to it, and will not be worried about it, otherwise, after the general women have suffered such a large amount of cyber violence, it is estimated that there are already dead people.

How many people in the entertainment industry are depressed now, not just those black curses?

But don't forget, you always have to pay back when you come out.

You will have such a day when you are violent to others.

It is the most basic reason not to attack others actively, but unfortunately, some people are not worthy of being called individuals.

Of course, Xie Dongyang, a big old man, didn't care, so when he walked in with Ai Chen, a reporter took a picture, and he didn't evade intentionally. If he evaded, Ai Chen would be embarrassed.

When I went in, Feng Xi was wiping Hua Zhi's face.

Hua Zhi was actually quite guilty. "The wind, I have been jealous before, don't you hate me?"

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