Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1849: : Hit the trick

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

To tell the truth, although I know what Qiao Xue's purpose is, these words still sound heartwarming.

After all, it's because you care. If you care about a person, then everything about that person is related to you.

Any traces of his clues will affect your heart, and the wind knows that Qin Wanyu is a trace that can no longer be erased from his mind.

She didn't care that Qin Wanyu used to like Qiao Xue when he was a boy. After all, no one had a past and memories. What she felt was that Qiao Xue was right. She really couldn't give Qin Wanyu anything.

Qin Wanyu is not the same as Jiangliu. After Jianghuan married Huasheng, the two husbands and wives had more love and no regrets.

But Qin Wanyu hasn't married her yet, and she can't marry Qin Wanyu, nor dare to have children.

The child she had knocked out had become a shadow in her heart, so every time Qin Wanyu mentioned the marriage, the wind was ambiguous and she refused to answer positively. She did not wait until Huasheng was pregnant. Give a message that the child is full moon and she will get married.

However, after marriage?

How does she protect the child, how to protect Qin Wanyu?

If she didn't have such a story with Qin Wanyu, she really didn't have so many things behind, and Qin Wanyu wouldn't be so painful.

Qiao Xue is right. Qin Wanyu is safer with any Muggle than with her.

At least ordinary women bring Qin Wanyu not fatal harm, but Fengjia has too many taboos and too many dangers since ancient times.

As an exorcism family, there are too many enemies. How many monsters and monsters are staring at them, just waiting for the right time to kill them?

Coupled with the pregnancy, she lost all her mana. If she and her child had an accident, how would Qin Wanyu live?

If Qin Wanyu had an accident, how would she and her child live?

If the child had an accident and the child could not keep it, how would she and Qin Wanyu live?

This is a puzzling question. As long as the wind thinks about this problem every time, it will fall into an endless loop, and then it will be a headache and painful.

Qiao Xue saw the emotions, and seized the opportunity to continue, "Actually, you have no confidence in yourself, right, otherwise you will deal with me, why would you carry Qin Wanyu because you are afraid that Qin Wanyu will see me, I don’t want to kill me. So you want to deal with me soon."

"No, Qin Wanyu will kill you when he sees you, just like me."

"I don’t believe it, unless you let him come now. I’m fixed by you and I can’t run away, so you don’t have to worry. The wind is so arrogant in your life, and you don’t want to regret it for yourself, don’t you want to watch it? See, Qin Wanyu will watch me die in front of you? Don’t forget, I’m Qin Wanyu’s Bai Yueguang..."

"Shut up." The wind is really jealous.

"Feng Xi, you still have to do it, don't be fooled." Hua Qing felt that Feng Xi's emotions were already somewhat unstable. If he continued to confront Qiao Xue in this way, I'm afraid it would be the woman's way, Qiao Xue. The woman is not capable, but her mind is very flexible.

One mouth can persuade Zhuo Ya's people to see that it is not so easy to deal with.

If this time, if Qiao Xue is allowed to run again, it will be really troublesome, then the future will be endless, and her Huaqing will also be dangerous. After all, Qiao Xue, who she personally attracts, will make this woman hate her.

"Feng Xi, you just don't dare, you just don't have confidence that Qin Wanyu only loves you in his heart, otherwise why don't you let Qin Wanyu come?" Qiao Xue continued to stimulate the wind, just wanting to really let the wind call Qin Wanyu is coming, if Qin Wanyu is here... then the situation is different, huh, huh.

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