Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1852: : Life and death

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"The meeting will be the meeting, that is, I haven't operated the three souls and seven souls separation technique with others, it is estimated that it is a bit risky.

"How sure are you?"

"Thirty percent."

"be honest."

"That's 10%." It was even more emboldened to ask Hua Sheng. The wind was indeed unsure. Many secret techniques of the Feng family were not possible by many ancestors. Few people were as violent as the ancestors of Feng Qingcheng. The secret book that Feng Qingcheng later gave to Feng Xi, but it contains a lot of records, but the problem is that she may not be able to control.

So the question is coming, why can't we find Feng Qingcheng?

The reason is very simple. This is a human thing. Hua Sheng and Feng Xi are mortals on earth. If everything is looking for Feng Qingcheng, wouldn’t it be a mess?

After all, Feng Qing City is now a woman who has sealed the gods, and that status is also very remarkable in the Three Realms and Six Ways.

In the past, Huasheng made containers for others in order to repay others. Now, with this little thing, where is it to find someone else?

Moreover, in Huasheng's view, what Fengfeng City can do will sooner or later.

After all, she is also very talented, and it is also a rare genius of the Feng family for a hundred years, so for her close friend, Hua Sheng is willing to believe, and will surely believe.

"10%, okay, then try it."

"A Sheng, please don't make trouble, I said 10%, did you hear it clearly? That means 90% will be messed up. Are you really going to let me come?"

The wind is still anxious in his heart. Xie Dongyao is also a life. If he fails to escape from his soul, then...

"Other than that, there is no other way. If Xie Dongyao exists, Xie's family will not be at peace. The small mind of Xiao Ningning is overshadowed. The children I don't see are scared that way. Xie Dongyao is demonic. How deep it is, I don’t know, and I don’t know what to do. But I can’t condone it. Unlike the vampires, I was shot directly by Nangong Liuyue. I promised Xie Dongyang to keep her life, but I didn’t say. I will do my best, I will do my best, I will do my best... Now you know my body, just released the nine days of mysterious fire burning Qiao Xue, my spiritual power has been consumed a lot, I have no energy to deal with the demonized Xie Dongyao ...But she couldn't stay anymore."

"A Sheng, don't you really want to try Lord Pluto?"

"No, I owe too much to Mingyan."

"Since you owe it, it's better to owe more. Let's pay it back together. I still feel that it is against the demonized people... I am not sure. If it is self-defeating, will there be any trouble?"

Feng Xi was actually thinking about it right. She was afraid that if she couldn't suppress Xie Dongyao, she would make her magical and run wild...

Wouldn't Jiangcheng want another **** storm?

"I have already told Nangong Liuyue. If you fail, you will shoot Xie Dongyao directly with an arrow, even if the person has the magic, all will be destroyed."


"This is the best way, you believe me."

Seeing the wind, she couldn't make up her mind, Hua Sheng sighed slightly, and took the wind's hand, hoping that she would be able to share clearly in front of the big picture.

The wind is good everywhere, but sometimes it is too emotional and indecisive.

Hua Sheng is also kind, but he will never leave himself a scourge in front of right and wrong.

According to the meaning of Hua Sheng, Qiao Xue should have been killed long ago. It was Feng Xi who always thought that after all, Qin Wanyu had a good heart at first, so she always flooded with the Virgin Mary, and finally almost planted it.

The wind pondered for a while and nodded. "I'll do it. I'll also try the cheats from my ancestors in Fengqing City. I don't know what my mortal body is. As a result, Xie Dongyao is dead or alive, just let it be your destiny."

Seeing the wind, he agreed, Hua Sheng's right hand a little, the two disappeared on the overpass together... toward Xie Dongyao's hiding place.

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