Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1868: : People who suffer

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Jiang Liu nodded, "I heard it was premature."

Hua Sheng's face was not very good-looking, and got up from the bed, but suddenly his eyes were black...

Jiang Liu took a step forward to help, "A Sheng......"

"I'm fine, let's go and see Xiaoping first."

Hua Sheng was actually very weak after returning from that day, even if he did not help Xie Dongyao in the end.

But the spirit that is visible to the naked eye is not as good as the other day. For this reason, the river is also worried.

Huasheng's pregnancy was originally a good thing.

It is a pity that this child's existence is so magical that it can absorb the pure spiritual power of the mother's body and let the mother consume a little bit of effort. Feng Xi even doubts whether this child is a reincarnation of the devil, but these words can't be taken care of Hua Sheng said.

Everyone knows how much the **** couple is looking forward to the child's arrival.

Therefore, in Hua Sheng's heart, the child is destined, just like Jiang Liu, a life that cannot be shaken in her heart.

No one dares to say that the child is bad, or that the child's origin is not clear.

Hua Sheng never asked Pluto, who is this child reincarnated.

In fact, asking is also a white question, because Pluto does not know where this child came from.

Because the soul of the underworld is not reincarnated at all, how can Huasheng's children be ordinary children?

This is a product of the pure blood children of the Jiutian family, especially after Hua Sheng changed his body.

Therefore, whether this child is a **** or a demon, everything is hard to say.

Outside a delivery room in a hospital in Jiangcheng

In addition to the confinement of Hua Zhi did not come, others have arrived one after another.

Qin Wanyu, who hasn't seen for a long time, is full of spirit and spirit.

He hugged the windy shoulders, and the two became more and more married.

Ginkgo and Koga are also there. Although Ginkgo changed its name to Huaxing, the person she knew was still called Ginkgo. She was also very happy. Especially when she saw the young lady, Ginkgo took care of Huasheng almost inseparably.

One will pour a glass of water, one will put a coat on, it is almost meticulous.

Hua Zhi didn't come, but Wang Junxian came and gave gifts.

In fact, these people are also watching Huasheng, after all, Yu Ping and these people do not have a deep relationship.

As everyone knows, Yu Ping is Huasheng's friend, so he takes care of Huasheng's face.

In addition, the arrival of a person alone made everyone a little surprised-Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao, people here are not very familiar with him, except for Hua Sheng.

So when I saw Yuan Shao, Jiang Liu took Huasheng's hand and said hello.

"A Sheng, President Jiang."

"Are you here too?" Jiang Liu nodded and looked at the mature man.

"Did Xiaoping take care of you recently?"

Hua Sheng has always been in contact with Yu Ping on WeChat, so she knows that Yuan Shao has taken care of her recently.

Yuan Shao nodded.

"Is Jingsa still in trouble?"

"Well, I had a few troubles before, it seemed that I was short of money, but he didn't let him succeed. I already sold Xiaoping's house, and I changed her place. Although it was far away from the city, it was secret, waiting for her When you are discharged from the hospital, you can move to a small courtyard in the suburbs with your children for training. Rest assured, I will take good care of it."

Hua Sheng just wanted to say something, and saw the door of the delivery room open, and the doctor came out, "Who is Yu Ping's family?"



Yuan Shao and Hua Sheng spoke in unison, then walked over, very nervous.

"Maternal bleeding is serious now, and blood transfusions are needed from close relatives. Which of your blood types is the same as her?"

After the doctor's words, everyone was silent. There was no close relative of Yu Ping.

Huasheng nervously held Jiang Liu's hand, "Her husband..."

"pass it to me."

Jiang Liu nodded and understood, turned around and walked away, the man already knew.

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