Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1882: : Can't hide

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Wang Junxian hugged Hua Zhi, and just wanted to lie down, Hua Zhi broke free.

"Wang Junxian, don't be like this. The more you are, the more scared I am. What's wrong with you? Are you disgusting me with a yellow-faced woman and having a bad body after giving birth? You are disgusting me. There are others outsiders?"

Wang Junxian: ...

"Say, don't you want to divorce me?"

"What do you want, every day."

"Why are you doing this dead face? You said, who do you look at?" Hua Zhi is a woman in her confinement. Some emotions are normal. She always feels that Wang Junxian doesn't want to communicate with her, so he said He was wronged.

The more grieved, the more sad he cried. Wang Junxian looked very distressed.

He quickly hugged Hua Zhi's shoulders and pressed him tightly in his arms.

Suddenly a sense of warmth spread throughout Hua Zhi's body, but she was still making a little temperament.

"Xiaozhi, don't make trouble."

"What makes me trouble, you are just perfunctory me, if you have any psychological words, you don't want to tell me."

"Look at you, the child has a temper." Wang Junxian was all angry.

"You still laugh, you get off, I don't want to see you...I will take my son back to my mother's house tomorrow...I...yes, I don't have a mother's house anymore, you may just watch our Chinese family fail and you don't want to treat me well, But don’t forget, I still have my five sisters. Tomorrow I will take my son to live in Shilifengfeng, and will not come back, hum."

Hua Zhi said the truth, Shilichunfeng is a good place for her, just like her family.

Mentioning the ten miles of spring breeze, Wang Junxian's eyes dimmed again, and this detail did not escape Hua Zhi's eyes.

"Wang Junxian, what happened?"

"Xiaozhi, I didn't want to tell you, because you haven't had a baby...Everyone thinks..."

"You don't come to me with this set. If you hide something from me, I won't forgive you in my life."

Hua Zhi is a hard-hearted person who dares to love and hate, and is responsible for everything, but he must not accept concealment and deception.

She would think it was an insult to her IQ, so she was anxious as soon as she heard a preface.

He broke free from Wang Junxian's arms and raised his hands to wipe his tears.

Looking at her posture, if you don't say it today, there will be no peace. In the end, Wang Junxian can only sigh a little and tell Hua Zhi the whole thing.

Hua Zhi listened for three seconds, then got up and went to get her coat...

"Xiaozhi, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to have ten miles of spring breeze."

"You haven't had a baby, you still have six days."

"It doesn't matter. At this moment, nothing is as important as my five sisters. What is the month, just don't sit."

Hua Zhi calmly put on his coat, wrapped himself tightly and went out.

Wang Junxian knew that her temper could not be persuaded.

I can only wear clothes and go out quickly. I also took a thick scarf and wrapped up Hua Zhi's head. Before I heard my mother and sister nagging, the woman should be careful when she is confinement, especially the head. If you catch cold and wind, you will suffer from the old headaches of life and it is difficult to cure.

It's more than ten o'clock in the evening now, and it's cold and exposed outside. How can this girl run out?

It is still during the confinement period, so Wang Junxian can only do this.

Hua Zhi did not refuse. After the couple got in the car, they dragged their cars all the way and drove to the spring breeze.

I saw from a distance that the lights of the spring wind in ten miles were still on.

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