Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1895: : Devil's Cat

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Whether you believe me or not, I hope to take it seriously. This is not a matter of my life."

After talking, Hua Qing turned around and left. There was no pretense to say that he would go to see the five sisters, nor did he explain his loyalty. These are meaningless.

She has always been the opposite of these people, and the conflicts are irreconcilable.

So what she said, whether those people believe it or not is not her own decision, and those people are not fools. As for the truth of the news, it should be quickly discerned.

"What is a ghost bird?"

Qin Wanyu felt that his scalp was tingling, and for the first time heard that there were such birds.

Feng Xi doesn't know much about Western things, and there are few records in Grandpa's notes.

Nangong Liuyue, who had never spoken, came downstairs. "It is a vicious bird. He was fed blood by vampires since childhood, and was contaminated with the breath of death. And because of staying with vampires for a long time, the ears are very fierce and brutal. A ghost bird the size of a sparrow can assault a normal adult man. And the success rate is more than 90%."

"I depend, so perverted?"

Hua Zhi felt cold all over when she listened. She held her arms in both hands and lowered her head.

Seeing her fear, Wang Junxian quickly hugged her in her arms.

Koga and Ginkgo were also stunned.

If it was before, Bai Hao must have been dumbfounded, but now that he has experienced so many things, he witnessed so many supernatural things, but it is indifferent, and it is difficult to change his professional nature. He asked, "Any other characteristics? ?"

"Because it is clever and dexterous, it can sneak into any place silently, inquire about the news, and hide its breath from being discovered. Just now Hua Qing saw it, it should be that she was very sensitive to vampires, what she felt, or I saw the ghost bird infested. If she is not telling lies, then... there must be a vampire in the place where the ghost bird is. And the ghost bird who can cultivate this spy message must be a strong presence, not The lobsters and crabs I dealt with before."

"My God, the first time I heard you say so much, it turned out to be professional enough."

The wind couldn't help but gave Nangong Liuyue a thumbs up.

The silver-haired boy glanced at the wind and replied without expression. "The fox family's sense of smell is already sensitive, so they have a super strong presence in their perception. It's just... I didn't perceive the ghost bird, which means... that ghost bird 'S master is already above me... If it's really an invasion, I might... I have no chance...Sister A Sheng is still the same today, you may really have to make the worst plan."

Nangong Liuyue was right, but after the last sentence, everyone was silent.

Now it is not only the trouble of Huasheng's coma, but also the intrusion of vampires, which is really worse.

Somewhere in the devil

A black cat walked lazily over to a young and beautiful woman.

Then the woman scratched its hair with slender red nails.

The moment it touched, it changed color to a deep blue, which is the color of the sea.

This is a sea-blue cat, and there are fans like cobras behind the ears, which is very strange.

"It's hard for you, Xiaolan."

"Doing things for the master, it's a matter of sharing." The cat said.

"Did he believe it?"

"Well, he wouldn't see the flaws if he talked about mortals."

The woman smiled, picked up the blue cat from the ground, held it in her arms, and gently stroked it.

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