Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1898: :You think too much

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Yuan Shao was a little guilty, but still took the initiative to pull Yu Ping's hand with courage.

"Xiaoping, Asheng, she has been uncomfortable recently. She hasn't had much time to get a mobile phone. It's normal to see WeChat. You have just given birth to a baby, and the emotions are very ups and downs, so don't think about it, I think, Asheng is so powerful , There must be nothing, right?"

"Maybe... I think too much."

Yu Ping was very uneasy, but now he is still weak after childbirth and cannot move freely, so he can only blame himself for thinking too much.

"Well, do you want to eat something?"

"It's midnight, don't eat anymore, Yuan Shao, you go back, I'll ask my aunt nanny to come over here."

"This drove me away?" Yuan Shao deliberately teased her.

"No, I just are a big man waiting for your confinement...not so, I am not your don't have to do this."

Yu Ping's mood was very complicated when he faced Yuan Shao. Although things were unforgettable when he was young, he has finally passed for several years.

None of them now is the young teenager on the university campus.

Therefore, it is impossible to just be comfortable with everything.

But the people in the hospital didn't know that even the obstetric doctors assumed that Yuan Shao was Yu Ping's husband. After all, he had been taking care of him without clothes.

"Look, you always laugh at our patriarchy, don't you lose feminism? Who says men can't serve confinements? I think men are the best ones to serve confinements, and once I wait, I know how hard my wife is. Will be cherished in the future."

Yu Ping's cheeks were slightly red, and she lowered her head. "You always stay up late like this, and you can't support it. It is also good to change people to work with you."

"No, I'm in good health. I'm not at ease to change people, so be it. You will be discharged in two days. The doctor said the baby has recovered very well. I will drive you home when the time comes."

"That house..." Yu Ping actually wanted to say that she didn't want to go back to her house because her ex-husband could find it in that place, fearing that Jing's family would have to make trouble at that time.

Her thoughts, Yuan Shao, naturally understood, and quickly explained, "Don't panic, your house is best to rent, we don't go back there, I know what you care about, rest assured, I will take you to my house."

"No, you can't do it at home."

Yu Ping shook his head resolutely, and did not enter the Yuan family door that year. Although Yuan Shao's mother is no longer there, there are still family members after all.

Bringing a woman and a child who is not her own, what is it, I am afraid no one will accept it?

"You think too much. My dad has remarried. We have long lived separately. I have... no family."

This sentence is really sad, but it is really Yuan Shao's current situation.

In those years he was abroad, and he didn't have much contact with the country, so nowadays there are very few friends, and even relatives don't communicate much. After all, his mother is gone.

At least his dear father, people have been quiet in the joy of the stepmother and the child born, regardless of this son, so in Yuan Shao's words, it is already cumin, so what else can you worry about?


"You don’t want it anymore, obedient, listen to me, how can you take care of yourself, wait for your body to be better, where do you want to move, I will help you move when the time comes, you can rest assured, I will not force you to stay Come down."

"I don't mean that." Yu Ping felt that Yuan Shao was thinking too much.

Yuan Shao is not talking, but... the hand holding Yu Ping has not been released.

Some things seem to be gradually sprouting from the dust of time...

In this world, there may be a wonderful word called-Lost and Found.

Ten miles of spring breeze

Jiang Liu ordered to do some supper for everyone, this group of people really suffered.

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