Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2006: : So humble

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Jiang Liu has agreed."

"Did you persuade him?" Feng Qingcheng looked at Bairan in a strange way.

"It doesn't matter, the river flow has always been light and slow, so even if I don't say it, he should know that the initiator of everything is the child. As long as the child is not there, Ascension will not be drained of energy and fall into a coma. ."

"Then you have thought of it, just do it, your strength is far above me... if you do it, it will be a breeze."

"Yes, but I still want to ask you to take action. The Fengjia secret technique is much gentler than my rough spell. Although there are 18 days of thunder, it is always a gradual cycle, not me so direct. I'm also worried that it will hurt Huasheng... Besides, all such things as abortion are done by girls, how can men do it...

To put it simply, Bairan doesn't go at all. After all, how can a man go to a woman's child... to do such a thing?

Feng Qingcheng sneered, "Okay, white dye, you don't want to do it yourself, afraid of sin, so come to me. Why don't you find me a good thing, even let me help you do this kind of detrimental Yin Yin, Are you still human?"

"I wasn't a human, I was a fox."

"You're less bullshit. Wouldn't your conscience hurt when you did this? Tell you, I won't help you."

"You are not helping me, Allure... You are helping A Sheng, A Sheng is the best and best friend, and Feng Xi is your descendant, you like her so much, otherwise you won't teach so many secrets Surgery, isn't it? No matter what, you can't die.

"You're wrong, my indifference is notorious, so what if you can't save yourself."

Feng Qingcheng had already stated that it would not interfere with things on earth.

So she refused Feng Xi's request long ago, and now that she dyed it in white, she still said the same thing and did not intend to go to the mixed water.

After all, people have been enshrined in God, and they see it clearly.

Since there is no conclusion in the world, she will not interfere.

"Allure, then when I beg you, okay? You look at the face of the two of us..."

"shut up."

Not mentioning this Feng Qing City is not angry, as soon as mentioning this, Feng Qing City is almost violently thunderous.

She always felt that she was scummed by this white fox, so she didn't want to mention this relationship at all.

Now Bairan tries to persuade Feng Qingcheng to kill the child, so he dare to say anything.

It seems to be open...

"Allure, what are you afraid of? Even if you don't admit it, even if you evade, then we're better... It's a fact. Does anyone know this matter?"

"Are you dyeing too much?"

"I know that I have done things that hurt you in the past, but I have been asking you to forgive... Allure, many things will pass sooner or later. How can you forgive me and help Asheng and Jiangli once?"

"I don't help."

"Don't do this. I can't bear the mistakes I made in the past. I apologize to can say whatever you apologize... OK? Please don't be so ruthless, please help once, just once."

This time Bairan was determined to let Feng Qingcheng shoot. She didn't let go, she didn't go, even if it was a fight.

"For the first time, you are so humble." In fact, Feng Qingcheng has some jealousy in his heart. A proud person like Bairan can actually admit his mistakes for Huasheng, and fight violently. It can be seen that Huasheng's status in Bairan's heart.

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