Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2400: : Ultimatum

"Song Ming, you are sick! In what era are mice still committing crimes? They are fine! How can such a small thing be dealt with on a girl? These five girls, at least one hundred kilograms, how can the little mouse commit crimes? , You tell us about it! It's a Liao Zhai!"

The other players laughed at Song Ming.

"You...I'm homeopathic reasoning. You have the patience to reason one. I figured it out anyway. You didn't think of anything one by one."

"Team White, what about you, what do you think!"

Song Ming was disgusted, naturally unhappy, put away the things Bai Hao gave, and prepared to return to the bureau for inspection.

Bai Hao smiled helplessly.

"Let's test first and see if we can test whether these are wild or raised by ourselves."

Bai Hao's thoughts were simple. Since the same rat hairs appeared in all the places where the crime occurred, it probably means that the other party's living conditions include rats, or that they can live with rats for a long time.

Although the scope is wide, there is a location that can be investigated. Now they are too passive, and there is no trace of the murderer. Bai Hao and the others think this person has strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities.

Bai Hao and the others returned to the bureau and were waiting for the result, and the previous approval came down, requiring them to solve the case within 24 hours.

The reason was that Chen Shumin didn't go home to wait for the news at all. She felt that Bai Hao was also perfuncting her, with what he said today, those things about Jiangcheng... the messy trail reporters went to the General Administration to make trouble.

At this moment, the whole Jiangcheng knew about it, and the public security bureau did nothing for the missing girls...

The impact of this incident is very bad, and other provinces are watching Jiangcheng's jokes.

"Team White, we..."

Song Ming likes to say that when he saw the news, he felt a little angry. They hadn't rested for thirty-six hours in a row. They were working on this case, so why didn't they say anything!

The progress of the case cannot be said at all. In that case, wouldn't the suspect have news?

Song Ming was wronged, and several other people were wronged too, but unlike Song Ming, they spoke out.

"Don't talk about it, get to work, and work overtime tonight. Come on, everyone. We have to understand the feelings of the family!"

"The child disappears for less than a second, and it is a bit more dangerous!"

"Then, don’t wait for the result. Anyway, it’s a needle in a haystack. We will start to act now, leaving two people to wait for the result. The others will be divided into five teams to check the drainage outlet of each case. After all, the mouse is here. Things like there, we can’t rule out the possibility of homeless people, and that place is also their habitat!"

"The remaining two people continue to investigate and monitor. Although the location of the crime was not monitored, the place that disappeared from the monitoring was shown to me carefully. I don't believe that the person has never appeared in the public area!"

"Well, let's do it!"

Bai Hao clapped his hands, feeling helpless, but he was more worried about the little girls, who were all the same age, and no one wanted to be surprised.

In fact, there is no way to search the drain, but it is impossible to let go of a little possibility.


Song Ming and the others stopped talking nonsense after receiving the order, and set off quickly, hoping to find something.

Just as Bai Hao was about to follow the team, Bai Hao's cell phone rang suddenly.

Bai Hao picked up the phone and took a look, his nervous expression eased.

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