Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2401: :completely annihilated

"Wife, what's the matter?"

"Excuse me, I have to work overtime again today, I can't go back tonight, I can't accompany you, you and your kids can eat first!"

"Eat something good, don't deal with it, eat well!"

Bai Hao walked at the end of the team and said softly to the phone.

Bai Hao hasn't taken a good rest these days, he's going to be panda eyes, but no matter how tired he thinks of his wife and children at home, he also feels comforted.

The parents at home are no longer there. There are only his wife and children in this house, which is Bai Hao's only comfort.

"I saw the news, and another girl had an accident. I felt distressed after seeing her mother like that. Be careful, go ahead and don't worry about home. I have a good meal with my child."

"Sister Wu was worried that I would not be able to eat well with my children at home, and asked me to take the children to dinner. Everyone was watching the news."

"She doesn't worry that I am at home, just as the third sister is also there, we will gather together, I will tell you, you don't have to worry."

Hua Lin was on the phone with a soft voice, holding the baby while answering Bai Hao.

Although Hua Zhi was picked up by Wang Junxian at night, she still went to Shili Chunfeng during the day because Hua Zhi found that she was still at ease by Hua Sheng.

"Okay, then you sisters have a good gathering, if you have anything to do, call me!"

"I'm going to work first."

Bai Hao naturally felt relieved that Hua Lin went to the Spring Breeze for Ten Miles. Even if he hadn't seen Hua Sheng for a long time, Bai Hao knew that Hua Sheng was a person who could put people at ease.

"Then be careful."

Hua Lin put down the phone, looked at her fat son, packed up her things, and went directly to Shili Chunfeng.

On Bai Hao's side, it didn't take long for him to rush to the place where the first case occurred. A team of people divided into five teams and arrived at the destination one after another.

"Team White, are you really playing?"

Song Ming looked at the smelly drain, his head was a little bald. In such remote places, not only was there no monitoring, but all the measures were not good. Even the drain could not be looked directly at!

"What's the matter! Hurry up."

After Bai Hao finished speaking, he jumped in first, followed by Song Ming and two teammates, one by one, clutching their noses and jumping in.

The dim downfall, hiding the filth of the city, Bai Hao frowned, and walked forward step by step, almost two or three minutes away, Bai Hao's eyes changed, he was about to say something, and suddenly there was a cry of surprise behind him. .


It was Song Ming, the whole person seemed to be electrocuted, his limbs stiff, his eyes were frightened, as if he had seen something terrible!

"what happened?"

Seeing him like this, Bai Hao also changed his face.

"Old...mouse! Lots! Team White, it's too numb!"

Song understood his face and dared not move, as if the other party was not a little mouse, but something huge.

"Song Ming, how did you get into the police academy!"

Bai Hao took the flashlight and looked at the direction Song Ming was pointing at. On the wall in the sewer, rows of mice were actually a bit scary at first glance, because these things seemed to be looking at them?

But how is it possible?

Bai Hao shook the flashlight, and the mice ran away immediately. They were afraid of people.

"Have you seen this thing, I'm afraid of people, when this case is over, I will practice my courage."

As Bai Hao said, he continued to walk forward, step by step approaching what he saw just now. It was a corner. When Bai Hao and others turned around, all four of them were stunned.

Song Ming even vomited directly...

What Bai Hao wanted to say, those two also vomited...

In the end, Bai Hao couldn't help it anymore, and vomited...

Four people were wiped out and all vomited.

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