Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2876: :Upper bundle immortal lock

"Brother! What do you want to do, let me go, what do you want to do, I will help you!"

Joy exuded its spiritual power, thinking about unlocking the devilish energy on it, thereby opening the rope, but this time Joy did not understand why it could not be opened.

The whole person is a little panicked, she can't break Chang'an's devilish energy, if Chang'an wants to do something stupid, then no one can stop him...

Hua Sheng, Jiang Liu, and Xi Le even yelled one word and hoped that Chang'an would let go, but they didn't waste much time because they yelled together.

In other words, when Changan was trapped by Huasheng, Jiangliu, and joy, Changan had already done what he had to do.

Since he was going to die from the beginning, to make up for all this, in order to make Hua Sheng happy to have a happy life in the future.

Some decisions are what he should have made, just like now, Changan has waited until now, it is already his wrong!

He should have prepared it when the river flow started.

In that case, there would be no wasted spiritual power of Hua Sheng and Joy, and no river stream would be struck by lightning for so long.

But Changan also wanted to be with his family forever. He thought he could steal a life, but he didn't want to...

He stole his life for the joy of living with Hua Sheng, not to live alone.

Chang'an turned and looked at the three people who were **** by the immortal chain. While smiling at them, he put his hands together again to release greater strength.

Then in front of Hua Sheng, Jiang Liu, and joy, the whole body disappeared little by little!

Strictly speaking, it cannot be disappeared, but turned into a complete power. Chang'an uses his entire body to turn into a huge energy source.

When Chang'an made this decision, if he was fortunate not to die today, Chang'an would never go back.

Because his physical body is no longer there, all of it has been transformed into strength, and he stood on top of the sky thunder, and took this instead of Jiang Liu. It is not important that he died, but now it seems that Jiang Liu must have nothing to do!

In order to fight against the wrath of the gods, Thunder Tribulation above Kyushu was the only way Changan could think of a fight. He did not allow himself to lose, because once he lost, the rest of the people would still not survive.

When Chang'an's body became more and more transparent, he actually thought about saying goodbye to Hua Sheng and the others, but at this moment, Chang'an couldn't open his mouth.

Because Changan found that he wanted to say too much.

And he did have a lot of words before he could say it, and in the end he just looked at the three of them.

As if everything is in the air.

Chang'an suddenly felt very satisfied. It turned out that he couldn't let it go as much as he thought.

What made him understand even more, in fact, he was thinking of himself for Hua Sheng and joy, but at this moment, Changan understood that he was also for Jiang Liu.

He didn't want to watch Jiang Liu's soul flying away.

Without him, everything today would not have come to today.

As Chang'an said, he should have to bear all this from the beginning.

"Chang'an, stop for me, we can face it together as a family, don't do this! Come back soon, you won't even have the chance to reincarnate in the end like this!"

Hua Sheng yelled towards Chang'an, watching his body become more and more transparent, Hua Sheng's voice had become heart-piercing.

She couldn't see what happened to Jiang, and she couldn't see what happened to Changan.

They are all her most important people, why should they choose to leave her?

Shouldn't the family face it together...

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