Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2881: : Everyone lost their voice

"Xiao Hei, didn't you hear me?"

Seeing that Xiao Hei did not respond, Hua Sheng turned his head and whispered again.

This time, the tone was completely different from the last time. Hua Sheng slowly seeped a black magical energy all over his body, and Hua Sheng couldn't control himself faintly.

And Xiao Hei didn't respond, but he knew that it was useless to unlock Hua Sheng and the others now, no matter who it was, there was one more person to die in the past, nothing more!

It can't save Chang'an, nor can they save themselves.

Because Chang'an no longer has the ability to protect itself, and even his body is transformed. Under such circumstances, if Hua Sheng and others pass by, Chang'an will definitely find a way to protect Hua Sheng and others.

There is no need to think about the result, that is, Hua Sheng and others may survive, but Chang'an has no vitality at all, and this is already the best result, that is, Hua Sheng and others are fine.

But now this is the case, only Chang'an is alone. Maybe Chang'an is still a little bit likely to survive. Although the hope is slim, it is better than nothing.

It's just that Xiao Hei didn't expect Hua Sheng to be in such a situation. He was demonized again and couldn't control himself. Tien Xian Lock was a little uncontrollable. For a time Xiao Hei really didn't know what to do.

It's a problem if you can't untie this immortal lock!

In fact, I can't blame Hua Sheng for being demonized again. As she said, she is a mother, so why can't she watch her child die in front of her again?

The last time in Bo Xun, she was really powerless, Hua Sheng had already crashed deeply and knew her incompetence even more profoundly.

At that time, Hua Sheng thought that if there is another opportunity, she will not miss it, and at least give her children a chance to grow up.

Take a good look at the world. Hua Sheng's eyes began to turn red. Half of the reason may be because of crying, but more because Hua Sheng was in a demon.

After that, the immortal tie lock that bound the three people began to tremble obviously, and the sound of the chain was broken, and there was no reaction at all in the 72 phantom territory that was shining with the sky thunder.

In other words, it's like the pin don't fall into the sea, the thunder of the sky is too harsh, covering up all the sounds, and even covering up Changan's last-minute goodbye!

When Huasheng talks down, not only Xiao Hei is anxious, but Jiang Liu and Xi Le are also anxious. They both want to save Chang'an, but they can't watch Hua Sheng fall into the trap.

In fact, being enchanted is not the most important thing, what is important is that they worry that Hua Sheng will become unable to control themselves...

In the end, Changan may not be saved, but Hua Sheng...

"A Sheng."


Jiang Liu and Xi Le called Hua Sheng, hoping to restore her sanity. The situation in Chang'an is urgent...

After Jiang Liu said this, he looked aside in an instant, and slowly turned his head to look at Chang'an, because he seemed to hear the energy, that is, Chang'an. What did he say?

Intuition told him that this sentence may be a crucial word.

"A Sheng, hurry up, stay sensible, don't let the inner demon control yourself, Changan just spoke! He still needs us..."

Jiang Liu looked at Hua Sheng for a while, then at Chang'an for a while, another breath of blood spurted out of his mouth, his heart attacking, and the heavy damage he had just received, Jiang Liu's body could no longer hold on.

Hearing Jiang Liu's words, Hua Sheng reacted and looked up at Chang'an. He saw Hua Sheng's eyes widened and his mouth opened, as if shouting something.

Jiang Liu's hands are already full of blood, looking at Chang'an, Zhang and Zhang are together...

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