Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2899: : The door is closed

Although Feng Qingcheng agreed to help, he looked weird no matter how you looked at the Tianhou Jifu made exactly according to his size.

"White dye..."

"This dress is really heavy, why do you think I have a kind..."

Feng Qingcheng looked at herself in the mirror, wearing the Queen of Heaven's auspicious clothes, red and happy clothes, shining festive, golden dragon-patterned phoenix, representing power.

Such clothes are really heavy!

Once you have the right, it will represent the righteousness of being for the people. The greater the right, the greater the responsibility. This is not just enjoyment.

If you speak and do things responsibly, Feng Qingcheng really doesn't understand, why would someone stand here and completely change, abuse their rights and turn the world upside down? In the human world, people don’t have a living. As a result, people in high positions can't live alone, can they?

Isn't such a high-ranking right also raised by the people?

Why not cherish it?

Maybe Feng Qingcheng is the relationship between the human gods, she values ​​the human world more, and Feng Qingcheng even cares more about many things than Bai Ran!

"What kind of?"

"How can this dress not be heavy, the world is the master, the master of the three realms and six realms, should have been supreme, but the smoke and miasma caused by the father and son is without majesty, it is also the misfortune of the three realms and six realms!"

"But fortunately, now it’s changed to Nightmare Burn. He looks cold and arrogant, but he used to have a heart for the world. He even thought about being someone like Jiang Liu and saving the people of the last days..."

"Although he is disappointed because of the three realms and six realms, he is in charge now after all. I believe that Nightmare Zhuo will be a very competent emperor."

"Besides, don't you believe him? Except for that little quirk, everything else is perfect! That combat power, even if you don't order Fengdu, is very impressive."

"But having said that, I have never seen that heavenly emperor ascend to the throne. I don't even try Jifu by myself. I leave it to my brother!"

When Bai Ran said this, she just wanted to sit down, but she turned her head and saw the person in the mirror, wearing a Tiandi Ji suit, at the top of the power, still don't wrinkle the clothes.

After all, it is not his usual clothes, how comfortable it is, this is not a joke.

If it weren't for the smog caused by Tian Yao and his sons in the Three Realms and Six Paths, Bai Ran would really be in awe of the Emperor.

Therefore, Bairan stood up properly in the end, and checked the uncomfortable parts of the clothes so that he could change them as soon as possible. After all, the ceremony began tomorrow, and the gods from all walks of life followed.

When Nightmare Zhuo returns tomorrow, I am afraid there is no time to change it.

There is no room for mistakes at this time.

The person is really different, and Bai Ran's attitude is also different. If it were before, he wouldn't be so honest.

"I understand what you mean. Of course I know that Nightmare Zhuo will be a very competent emperor."

"I also believe that he has this ability, but I always feel that..."

"You look at the person in the mirror. It is you and me, and the emperor's auspicious clothes are also made in our size. Although Nightmare Zhuo said something is for auspiciousness, the two clothes are made together, but he has no one who likes it. To whom is the Jifu of this day's queen left? Besides, I didn't follow my figure to formulate the principle of the Jifu of the next day!"

"Tomorrow will be the ceremony. He hasn't moved yet. I have just sent Nangong to Fengdu to invite it, but when Nangong sent a letter back, the gate of Fengdu Hell was closed!"

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