Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2909: : Once the original soul

So when Chang'an appeared, Fengying and even Brahma couldn't suppress their inner excitement, but they thought it was the emotion that they were welcoming the return of Zhanyue's reincarnation.

In fact, it was just the respect in the blood for the eighteen ancestors of the Demon Realm, and Zhan Yue would never return.

That person, he really died on the day of sacrifice in exchange for Hua Sheng's rebirth!

Others may still have a chance, but Zhanyue really has no chance. He has killed too many.

When he hadn't met Hua Sheng, Zhanyue's waywardness was not a joke.

Heaven’s punishment has always been there.

It’s just that the time it chooses to reduce the penalty is different. Otherwise, why do Huasheng and Jiang Liu have the opportunity to come again?

It is the virtue and kindness they have done throughout their lives that bless them. The word merit is invisible and intangible, but it can often save your life at a critical moment.

The right time, the right place and the right people are indispensable, and at the same time there is a basis.

Everyone will be punished for doing something wrong. It may be an indifferent punishment in the eyes of others, but it is a fatal blow to that person.

So don't worry.

And Zhanyue's murderous temperament, as well as the arrogant attitude of not putting everything in his eyes, is not so much innate, as it is the ability given by the eighteen ancestors of the Demon Realm, it can also be said to be the nature.

After all, it was the Demon King that was chosen, and the entire Demon Realm will come to call the shots.

In other words, the so-called Totem of the Demon Realm is also a strand of the original soul of the Eighteen Ancestor Demon Venerable and the successor merged into one, and finally became the true successor.

So not everyone can.

The infatuation side is Zhanyue itself, arrogant killing is Zhanyue's inheritance, the inheritance of Demon Venerable.

So after Zhanyue appeared, he couldn't control himself for many things, and couldn't restrain his evil side. In the end, he could only be swallowed and turned into a demon that only kills.

In that case, Zhan Yue would indeed become a very qualified demon king, but it would also be a disaster for the Three Realms and Six Paths.

And his only salvation is Hua Sheng, it was Hua Sheng that brought out his few kindness.

It was also because of Hua Sheng that Zhanyue restrained the demon in his heart. Everyone has a demon in his heart, but this demon depends on whether he wants to release it.

For Zhanyue, it can be regarded as a kind of relief, after all, because of Hua Sheng's appearance, he knew that he was still rational and had normal human feelings.

Although this feeling did not belong to him in the end, it was also his own wishful thinking, but Zhanyue still felt very happy, because Hua Sheng's future, even without his participation, would at least be inseparable from him.

As for himself, even if he experienced so much pain in the end, Zhanyue was willing, and even thought of his own killings, too many innocent people died at his hands.

Those people may not know why they want to kill them until they die.

In fact, Zhan Yue didn't know, he just felt annoyed, and everything that was an eyesore, and even the people who affected him, were going to die.

This is also manifested in Chang'an. He subconsciously feels that those people will affect him. Chang'an will not look at anyone like this, so he doesn't give a chance at all, let alone who you are, and kill him directly.

This cold-blooded and self-conscious emotion all came from the original soul of the former Demon Lord.

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