Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2911: :new world

In fact, even when Jiang Liu's penalty was lowered, Chang'an had thought of helping Jiang Liu through this time, but his strength was still limited after all.

He can completely help Jiang Liu to survive, but he is certainly not safe.

Although Chang'an had already made a choice before this, it was just his own choice, which was different from the choice made by all sorts of helplessness.

But at the end of these words, no matter what Chang'an thought, he still couldn't bear it, and even left with unwillingness.

Not to mention Chang'an's ability, let it develop, to what extent, at least he is completely capable of destroying the world.

Or it can be said that in Chang'an's mind, he can reopen a new world.

Chang'an has the ability to destroy everything, plus the aggressiveness to start again, so he can do it, but he doesn't.

Even if he was hurt, Changan chose to leave with his family, find a place to hide, and build his own world.

After all, the transformation of the Seventy-Two Fantasy Realm was already in its embryonic form, and that was what Changan wanted. He wanted to have a world of his own.

Only Hua Sheng, Joy, the life of their family.

At that time, Chang'an had not let go of its grievances about the river. After accepting the river, Chang'an also added a person to his inner world.

The father of this family.

Even if Chang'an didn't call out that father when he finally left, but in his heart, even if he was puzzled, he would have recognized it.

It's just that there is no chance to call out Father in front of Jiang Liu!

It is really a pity, no matter who it is, it is the same.

Originally, Chang'an could also have a complete home, love his parents, and grow up in a healthy and happy family. He had no chance.

Changan can't let Joy and not have this opportunity. Jiang Liu is alive and everyone forgets about themselves. Joy can also grow up happily by their parents.

To make up for the vacancy lost when Joy was a child because of him.

If it weren't for him, Joy would be a happy little princess.

As for himself, when Changan left, no matter how unwilling he was, he disappeared, but he was more relieved.

Because when everyone left, the imagination in his mind was also his short life past, or even some before this.

It was his choice to become Jiang Liu and Hua Sheng's child, and he chose to sacrifice himself for his parents.

This is the choice he made at the beginning.

So who can he blame?

So at the moment when all the sky thunders exploded, Chang An really understood a lot in his mind, and he was willing to sacrifice for it.

At the last moment, he said to his father. Unfortunately, Jiang Liu couldn't hear him.

The explosion sounded through the Three Realms and Six Paths. It had already suppressed all the sounds, and there was no lingering effect. It was Chang'an's greatest effort.

But that "father" is Chang'an's sincere call, and even Chang'an regrets it in his heart. In just one year, the father he longed for the most in his heart was pushed away by himself...

It was also because of him that the original perfect and happy home fell apart, and resentment grew.

You know, he wants to inherit this happiness.

Maybe this is fate, it is the consequence of his disobedience to the demons, the choice he reluctantly came, and he has to pay some price.

At this price, Chang'an has a trace of regret to his death...

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