Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2915: : Ignore feelings

Whenever a man has a choice, he will not look at his love rivals and be his lover. To do this, he does not want to see his lover always remember, and never take it out in a certain corner of the lover's heart.

After all, the river is no longer the same river as it used to be. He has also changed this way.

So Jiang Liu's "I'm sorry" to Hua Sheng contained too much, and even many things that could not be said to Hua Sheng even now.

Jiang Liu was sorry to Hua Sheng. He was not such a caretaker. Even if anyone liked Hua Sheng, Jiang Liu would not be afraid.

Because he has absolute self-confidence, no one can get in between them.

Even if Xie Dongyang appeared, Jiang Liu was not afraid. Xie Dongyang did what Hua Sheng did. Jiang Liu really never worried. He knew that Xie Dongyang would never have that possibility.

It wasn't until Zhanyue appeared that Jiang Liu felt uneasy for the first time. Although Jiang Liu didn't show that uneasiness, Jiang Liu didn't ignore it. He always felt that Zhanyue might become an unforgettable existence in his heart.

As long as Hua Sheng can't forget, he can't forget.

That was all for Hua Sheng, even if Hua Sheng forgets, Jiang Liu can't forget it.

Jiang Liu would rather die a hundred times by himself than want such a thing to happen, but no one can stop it, it is not something he wants or not.

He really looked like he had changed back to him. He was as confident of these things and he was not afraid of anything, but Jiang Liu couldn't say it.

Why did he make Hua Sheng forget, and how could he express his dissatisfaction with Hua Sheng's care?

What Zhanyue did finally became a memory that he could never forget or let go of in his life, and it became an existence that Hua Sheng could never touch.

And Jiang Liu's "I'm sorry" was also telling Hua Sheng that he had missed a lot of help to Hua Sheng. In many cases, it was his inability to achieve Zhan Yue.

So I really don't blame anyone, but he can only blame himself, he is not doing enough.

"Why are you sorry? Didn't we say good things and never mention these again?"

"What about me, do I have to apologize? If it weren't for me, your life would still be dazzling. The mortal river of ordinary life. It was my appearance that changed your life, and it was because of me that reminded you of the past. !"

"If you don't think about it, you're still you, and I'm still me, so what's so sorry?"

"The only thing you can say sorry to me is that you don't love me anymore, Jiang Liu, after so many experiences, do you no longer love me?"

Hua Sheng's eyes were originally immersed in looking up into the starry sky, thinking of the two children, who are right by his side. Although many things are never accompanied, at least there is still a chance to look up.

And Hua Sheng was also completely immersed in this, leaning in Jiang Liu's arms, and unexpectedly heard Jiang Liu's apology after being silent.

How can they apologize?

Hua Sheng did not expect that Jiang Liu, who has always been extremely confident, would be uneasy?

It was she who brought too many twists and turns to Jiang Liu. If she apologized, it should be her. It was because of her that Jiang Liu, who was once extremely confident, became uneasy.

Don't even believe in yourself!

Hua Sheng did not expect Jiang Liu to hide all this so well. If it weren't for this apology, Hua Sheng might still have some time to find out.

She thought that by this day, everything was over. She had ignored the feeling of the river.

And for this matter, perhaps she should apologize from the beginning.

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