Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2921: : Uncle Nong Nong

No matter what Bai Ran thinks, there is no if, and the things explained now have already happened, and it was also on this day that I met a lot of joy!

And when Bai Ran and the others were leaving, Nightmare Zhuo saw a purple shadow not far away and followed Xi Le. Bai Ran and Ming Yan naturally found out. It was indeed a big goal, plus the kid’s devilish energy. Hide is not good, they are not blind!

Just about to turn his head, he was stopped by Nightmare Burn, shook his head at them, and then led them away.

Leave the fate of the descendants to themselves, and there is nothing to worry about. According to the abilities of the joyful child, even if someone wants to hurt her, it is estimated that they will not be hurt. After all, the magic of the purple shadow cannot be hidden at all. Also the life of being bullied!

Of course, happiness will not kill you. Everyone can see that happiness is kind. Even if you want to do something, it is fate. Who will tell him to owe it?

Bai Ran looked at it and thought for a while. He didn't care, but he regretted today's decision very much later. Every time he remembered it, Bai Ran felt that he always regretted it all his life?

And joy does not have to return to the ten-mile spring breeze, but just want a quiet place to stay for a while.

She needs to sort out her emotions. For a while, she is so angry with Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu. Feicheng treats them equally. She doesn't want to see them for the time being. Once she sorts them out, she will go to them.

In Joy's eyes, nothing but death is not a big deal!

If everyone can tell her what is going to happen, let her have a preparation, it is better than accepting the blows at the last time, right?

For a while, I watched my father endure the catastrophe, and in a blink of an eye he became the mother together, and finally became the brother's eternal departure...

This is the most important person for Joy, how can she accept it?

So this person would be happy to sit in a corner of the ten-mile spring breeze, crying silently, and after being extremely shocked, I couldn't breathe anymore.

Just as she was crying happily, a male voice suddenly appeared next to her, yes, it was a male voice, but also a boy who looked more like a girl than a girl!

Xi Le recognized it at a glance.

"Little niece? I'm your Uncle Nongnong! Don't cry!"

"It's okay for your parents, but they lack spiritual power and are stimulated, and they will get better soon!"

"As for your brother, he... that's his choice. If you are too sad, he will go uneasy!"

"You say yes? So don't cry."

Nong Nong is neatly dressed and has a purple robe without any drag. His sleeves are all short. In order not to make people think that he is a girl, Nong Nong is really easy to dress.

It's just that he combed his black hair that was longer than joy, and his lavender eyes seemed to flash when he looked at joy.

And the face that was softer and smoother than milk was a little bit because it was the first time to say hello to an outsider, it produced a blush that was inherently shy and nervous, and the ruddy little mouth was really like a cherry.

From Joy's point of view, the boy is really not like a boy.

It was also because of this appearance and his cautious attitude that Joy did not immediately react to what he said.

But when Joy reacted, she quickly raised her hand and wiped her tears. It was a shame to be seen crying by outsiders.

"Sister, something?"

The tone of joyful speech was calm and questioning, but his posture was not calm at all, and he was taken aback for a moment!

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