Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2928: : Future trajectory

The thick eyes changed slightly, and the black air entangled, not murderous, but unwilling, and then turned back to Purple Phoenix and left brazenly.

He just wants everyone to see, he is a demon, so what?

Could it be that just because the devil appeared, he was going to be killed?

He did nothing!

If someone really hurt him, then Dongnong really wants to ask, who is the devil?

Then he is also ready for the battle, and he can fight to the death. Nong Nong is now holding back a great grievance.


Just as Nong Nong flew out violently, there was a loud noise in his ears, and after another look, he saw that Nong Nong's body dropped rapidly.

The original form also changed back to a human form, standing densely on the ground looking at the person who beat him.

Just now he was thinking about whoever dares to hit him, he will light up his weapon, and he must fight a battle today.

In the end, I didn't expect the other party to be sweet?

That's right to stop Nong Nong from continuing forward. The person who penetrates into the human world is Nong Nong's sister of Longfeng Titus, Tiantian, that is, Wanfeng.

In order to make the child look like a girl, Luo Yao negotiated with Brahma and decided on this euphemism, but in the end there was no difference.

"Sister? What are you doing to hit me?"

"If it hadn't been for when the strength was approaching, I would have known it was you. I would fight back a long time ago. Maybe whoever hurts more by that time, my inertia is moving forward, and you hurt me!"

The strong expression is really wronged, but he is a boy after all, and he hurts himself, so he can't let Tiantian hurt.

It’s just that Tiantian really felt that according to the thick pain method, he might as well fight back.

Because she feels nothing.

But she had to stop Nong Nong. He broke into the urban area of ​​the Human Realm, and there was bound to be trouble. Who knows if there will be any more trouble in the Heaven?

Although it is a change of owner now, the rules are still there.

When Tian Tian found that Nong Nong had left the team, she followed without even thinking about it. After all, she was really worried about letting this younger brother go out.

I'm always afraid of someone hurting him.

Especially the beauty of the younger brother! That was a crit!

So after discovering that Nong Nong had been kicked out, Tian Tian was a little bit happy secretly, after all, her brother was really too able to talk.

But no matter what, he was his own younger brother. Every time he was depressed, he looked up at his face and would soon forgive him.

And Tiantian can't watch Denong get into trouble or get hurt at this time.

This world has always been there, just like that girl!

Tiantian didn't expect joy to be so sensible. Since it distinguishes the three realms and the six realms, it cannot be confused. There should not be any intersection between the two realms!

As Xi Le said, Nong Nong is likely to be an accident. They are two different people.

Even if their family has a relationship with Bai Ran, it is not immune.

Tiantian doesn't want to watch uncontrollable things happen in the future.

Hua Sheng, the Jiangliu family, anyone can see that it is not easy to get to this step. Since Joy wants to protect, they try not to influence anything. Besides, they have nothing to do with them. She understands that Nong Nong wants to make friends.

Some things are easy to produce a butterfly effect, and the final result will only be out of control!

It's just the same, no matter how sensible sweetness and joy are, everyone will be overwhelmed in the future!

"Follow me back!"

But now, Tiantian doesn't know.

She just wanted to take her younger brother back. She was not Denon. She told him a lot of truth, and she pulled Denon away very simply.

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