Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2935: : Fuzzy memory

When Feng Xi said this, although she was very calm, her heart was not calm at all.

You should know that Feng Xi didn't care when he discovered that there was something wrong with his body, and naturally he didn't even think about saying anything to Hua Sheng.

After all, because of the long-term pressure and the busy schedule, her period has been inaccurate. It is common for her not to come for three months.

So when this happened this time, she didn't care.

It was only in the fourth month that Feng Xi finally realized that something was wrong. Even if she was careless before, she should feel a different heartbeat.

Therefore, Feng Xi hurried to the hospital for an examination, but even so, Feng Xi didn't expect that he had a child. He only thought if he had any illness, so he didn't dare to tell Hua Sheng.

Thinking that she finally started to live a peaceful life, but for a few short months, Feng Xi couldn't bear to disturb her.

Who knows what will happen to the Huasheng family in the future, and it is not easy to bother her with my own affairs.

In addition, nothing happened recently, Feng Xi didn't make a move, and he didn't know that his mana had begun to decrease.

But when he got the report, Feng Xi's mind was really confused.

She didn't expect that she was actually pregnant?

After so many years, she finally ushered in a child.

Although Fengxi said that he didn't care, how could he really not care?

She also wants to be a mother and have a child of her own with Qin Wanyu.

Especially when Feng Xi met Ling Xiao by chance half a year ago. Strictly speaking, he saw him take his wife and children to the mall. Feng Xi was really taken aback, and she felt a little bit sour in her heart. She admitted that she was envious...

Unexpectedly, after not seeing him for a while, Ling Xiao was married and even had children?

Has time passed so fast?

Later, Fengxi learned that Ling Xiao was Fengzi's marriage. He didn't know the fate of being drunk a year ago. The girl didn't want him to be responsible, but Ling Xiao found out.

In addition, when Hui Lingxiao was hit by the construction site, Feng Xi turned him down again, feeling a little lonely for a while. Didn't expect that he even had a son?

I got married as soon as my mind got hot. What I didn't expect was that my life would be considered satisfactory.

For this, Feng Xi is also a blessing. She does not hate Ling Xiao's resentment towards innocent children. Moreover, after marriage, Ling Xiao really surprised Feng Xi, her temperament has changed completely, like a father, also Like a husband, more like a man.

Feng Xi is still very touching.

It turns out that time can really change everything and many people.

Now that she has a child, Feng Xi's mood has also changed, and finally she doesn't have to envy others.

"Qin Wanyu, we also have children, but unfortunately it's not him."

"I still feel owed to him..."

Fengxi looked at Qin Wanyu's excitement, then stretched out her hand to hug him, clutching her belly, feeling the heartbeat inside, and waiting for her mana to disappear, she would have to go to the hospital if she wanted to feel it.

At this time, Feng Xi didn't know why she thought of the child.

I don't know if it's too long, she doesn't know why she forgot to give up on him, only know that she once lost a child.

She doesn't want him...

If the child is still there, he should be about the same age as Rui Er?

What Feng Xi didn't know was that her memory of the past began to blur because of time confusion again!

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