Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2945: : Owe a woman

In the Gao family, the Zhao family has set a wedding date on the fifteenth of next month. The date is actually quite anxious, but this is what the woman meant, and the man will naturally not refuse.

"We are really getting married, next month 15th, will it be later? Do you like this day?"

"You can also go ahead. Anyway, you have prepared a lot of things. I don't mind. I want to live with you, not form."

Zhao Jiajia sat next to Gao He with a smile, but she knew that Gao He was not willing to marry her. If she hadn't insisted on marrying the Gao family, her parents would not choose the Gao family.

After all, when Gao He wanted to marry a nanny, the wedding date was also set, but he didn't expect that would be the result.

It's just that for Zhao Jiajia, this is her opportunity. She likes Gao He. They belonged to the same school since they were young, and they stayed in the same school until the university.

Gao He didn't know, because at first, Gao He's eyes were just chic. The whole sunshine boy, Zhao Jiajia waited for him to learn to love others, or when he really grew up, then go to him.

Finally she waited, but she didn’t want Gao He to be so serious. Just as she thought, once Gao He started a relationship, she would be very serious, only when she thought she had no chance, she would miss the boy in her heart and their wedding. cancelled.

Zhao Jiajia really wants to wake up with a smile, no matter what the reason, she must fight for it, otherwise she will really regret it for a lifetime.

"This is not fair to you, except for love, I can give you everything I can do, as long as you want, as long as I have it, this is what we said before."

"You don't feel wronged, you can do whatever you want."

Gao He looked at the love in Zhao Jiajia's eyes, and felt really uncomfortable. After all, such a girl who was full of him, only pictured him.

But it can't give people what they want.

Gao He suddenly regretted why he chose her. If he chooses one who doesn't like him, it would be nice if two people respect each other as guests.

Without expectation, there is no disappointment.

In the future, he may forget ginkgo, but he is not sure when it will be, and may never be able to...

"As long as I can be with you, there is nothing to be wronged. I chose the road myself. I am very glad that my home can help you."

"I used to envy the person standing next to you. Now this position is finally mine, and I am not wronged anymore. If it is possible, I would like to advance the wedding date a bit. Only when I get married can I really feel at ease."

When Zhao Jiajia said this, her eyes were bright.

After all, she really likes Gao He, not in vain.

She also worried that she would end up like Ginkgo, when there was an accident near the wedding date, she would not let it go.

Zhao Jiajia is not a gloat, just a girl who is silently waiting for love.

There are many choices in life, if you miss it, there will be no chance again.

"Well, well, listen to you."

Gao He patted Zhao Jiajia. Apart from these, he couldn't say anything else, after all the girls said so.

He couldn't refuse, how could he meet such a girl!

It's just that if Gao He could really know what happened later, he would definitely not agree to it today, let alone choose the Zhao family, and wish he could stay away from Zhao Jiajia.

The girl did nothing wrong, just because she liked him, how innocent...

Gao He did not expect that he would never get rid of owing a woman in his life!

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