Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2948: : Good at hypnosis

"But don't worry, adults, we still have some effect. Ginkgo believes it. With the news of the Gao family's marriage, Ginkgo's face is really bad."

"After all, if it were me, I would be unwilling. The family that would have been very happy is now someone else's."

When Jasmine walked inside, she turned off the flashlight. This was the rule. Adults didn't like light, and it was not good at all. After coming so many times, Jasmine had never seen what this adult looked like.

The only thing he knows is that this adult has hatred against Hua Sheng, and he also wants Hua Sheng's blood, including Jiang Xinrui's blood.

"No hurry, it has been delayed for so many years, and it's not bad at this moment!"

"Besides, she has been with Hua Sheng for more than 20 years and grew up together since she was a child. If she agrees directly, there will be problems."

"What you have to do now is to provoke her heart and make her feel bad about Hua Sheng, and the following things will be easier to handle. She knows more things than you."

"Prepare these days and we will help her make a decision. This has been done. She will definitely hate Hua Sheng. Such a loyal dog will react greatly if she instigates rebellion. The greater her reaction, the more The better we are."

In the darkness of the cave, there was a dull male voice, his facial features were completely covered by black air, and the black air was peeled away. There was still muscle tissue on the skeleton, and his expression was completely invisible, because there was no face at all.

When she was speaking, her mouth seemed to be chewing something, creaking, Jasmine's hairs stood up when she heard it, and with the **** smell of her nose, Jasmine could only nod her head vigorously.

And Jasmine had heard it right, the person inside was chewing something, and it was still a woman who had been sucked blood.

If Jasmine turned on the flashlight, she would be shocked, because she didn't even know who she was working with.

She didn't even know how terrifying and crazy the people she worked with were.

"Then...sir, when can you help me?"

"Your mana is boundless and life span is unlimited. You can wait forever. I can't. I'm just an ordinary person. If you wait, Nangong is inseparable from the four, and I'm old."

"How can he stand beside him? He will never grow old, and so are the four dislikes!"

No matter how scared Jasmine is now, it is dark after all, she can't see anything, and her fear can be smaller.

And the things she cares about most are not over yet.

If it weren't for the chance to see Nangong Liuyue's experience in the world, with a girl beside her, she was obviously such a cold person, but in front of her, she was low and low, working hard and complaining.

How else could this happen?

It was also at that time that she met this adult, dressed in a black robe, standing behind him.

The voice at that meeting was much clearer than it is now.

"Jealous? That woman is in the form of a unicorn, or your ghost king's mount, older than me, more than 5,000 years old, so difficult to deal with, but if you cooperate with me, you help me, and I can help you too , Maybe it can be done!"

"Among you, isn't that thing called four-differences? A four-differences thing can get the love you can't ask for, but it's not rare for others..."

The man walked up to Jasmine, his eyes under the mask looked at her, his tone bewitching...

In the end, Jasmine certainly agreed, because she didn't even know that the other party was a vampire who was good at hypnosis. At her level, it didn't take much effort at all!

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