Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2969: : Swallowing

At the same time, the ginkgo that everyone was anxious to find finally showed up. It can be said that Ginkgo itself doesn't know where she is. The surroundings are dark, and there seems to be bats appearing on top of the head. In the depths of the darkness sits a Man in black mask.

At this moment, the only impression Ginkgo has is the last scene seen before her eyes. Even if an hour has passed, Ginkgo's mind still lingers.

The difference from the "lively" at the hotel is that the environment around Ginkgo is extremely "quiet", except for the screams of screams and blood flowing in my mind...

Ginkgo directly covered his mouth and sat on the ground without making a sound.

It's not that she didn't want to make a sound, but because she met death intuitively, or the instant death, the state of blood draining, which made Ginkgo speechless for a while.

Even if she has been with Hua Sheng for a long time, it is a lot of knowledge, but she still can't accept such a thing. Moreover, Ginkgo has been around Hua Sheng for many years and has not seen such a thing in person!

Knowing this before, but it doesn't mean that she can accept what happened before her eyes.

"How are you thinking? My sincerity is very sincere, right?"

Tuttle walked very lightly, walked slowly to Ginkgo's side, watched Ginkgo slumped on the ground in fright, his eyes were somewhat mocking, and he was always ready to hypnotize Ginkgo.

But the results were not ideal. After all, Ginkgo had been with Hua Sheng for too long. Although he was an ordinary person, he hadn't learned any spiritual power, but he still had some knowledge.

Including perseverance.

Of course, it can also be understood that Hua Sheng is too important in Ginkgo's heart, more important than her own life. She can give up her own life, but she will never let Hua Sheng be jailed.

So how can you betray?

Even if she was taken to this ghost place inexplicably, Ginkgo had already prepared to go back, but she was still uneasy, and then she received a call from Jasmine.

It is said that the bride was lost, and the whole wedding was completely messed up...

Thinking of where she threw Miss Auntie to help herself watch, but she avoided it, no matter how painful she was seeing Gao He with others,

In addition, Gingko himself was uneasy, and after thinking about it, he ran back to the hotel.

She didn’t have time to contact Huasheng, because as soon as she arrived at the hotel, she ran into Zhao Jiajia who rushed out. The moment she saw Zhao Jiajia, Ginkgo knew she had been cheated...

Because Zhao Jiajia hasn't disappeared yet!

But when Zhao Jiajia saw the ginkgo really appeared, the fire in her heart would be even greater, so she took the ginkgo directly to the back door of the hotel.

Neither of them wanted to make trouble in front of the gate. Ginkgo had nothing to say to Zhao Jiajia, but couldn't hold back that Zhao Jiajia had something to say to Ginkgo.

Then they disappeared while struggling, strictly speaking, they were taken away...

This is where Ginkgo is now.

I don't know when in the darkness, a little light slowly appeared. Ginkgo saw the man in a black robe and mask with his own eyes, looked at her, and then bit Zhao Jiajia on the neck.

The darker it is, the quieter it should be, and this is also true. The place should have been quiet and the wind could be heard, but the result was all screams.

I don’t know if Ginkgo is getting closer, or the other party deliberately wanted Ginkgo to hear it, and even the sound of swallowing was very clear against the scream...

What I didn't know was that people in the desert met the water source and swallowed...

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