Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2974: : Still kill me

Tuttle's eyes looked at Ginkgo biloba, and they were still green in the dark, looking extremely terrifying and eerie!

In fact, this method is also risky. Just like now, if Ginkgo is not controlled as well as Jasmine, it is prone to a lot of deviations.

So Tuttle was not prepared to threaten Ginkgo from the beginning.

It’s just that Tuttle is irrational now. It’s been too long before, and the results have not been seen. The princess's body has also begun to become dry, no longer as full, rosy, and lustrous as before. That is because of the blood that was last offered The purity is too low.

It can also be said that the princess's body is no longer satisfied with such turbid and low blood.

She needs cleaner, delicious blood!

Jiang Xinrui, no matter who is close to her, can feel peace and comfort. It is an innate aura.

It's the same with bag vampires!

Although Tuttle did not have direct face-to-face contact, he could see Jiang Xinrui's faint light circle in the distance, he knew that it was the aura in the human mouth!

That child can condense and absorb aura!

In such a body, the blood flowing in it must be different, and the purity is far surpassed that of Hua Sheng!

So after Jiang Xinrui grew up, Tuttle's goal has been transferred from Hua Sheng to Jiang Xinrui.

In addition, Jiang Xinrui is Hua Sheng's child, no matter how you look at it, it's all in one stroke!

So the goal is naturally determined!

Just going around in circles to confuse the people around Hua Sheng is also used as a trap, but Tuttle is definitely not telling the truth about Ginkgo!

But one thing is still true, that is, if Ginkgo does not cooperate now, Tuttle will really reach out to the Gaohe family! After all, reaching the Gaohe family is not a spring breeze for ten miles, so hard!

In any case, Tuttle has now killed Zhao Jiajia and revealed his identity. Although Hua Sheng and others don’t know which line of the vampire family they belong to, it is certain that Zhao Jiajia must be the murderer who killed Zhao Jiajia. !

Now it was destroyed by Zhao Jiajia's operation, and it took a lot of time. If it weren't for this, Tuttle would not have thought of killing Zhao Jiajia. After all, she would not die, it was not important, it was just trouble!

"You... want me to help you kidnap the young lady!"

"Am I crazy? Will help you, that is my lady's second life!"

"I don't know how to do it. If you have the ability, go by yourself. Threatening me here is of no use. Even if I can, the little lady won't fall for you!"

"Miss will not. I have been missing for so long. She must have found out. Moreover, Zhao Jiajia is also dead. Whether the young lady finds out or not, she will definitely find it. Then you will be done!

"Otherwise you should kill me!"

When Ginkgo heard that the other party threatened him with Gao He's family, he instantly became calm. It can be said that he couldn't hold the composure just now.

She really didn't understand, why does this person have to start from her?

Threatening her hard?

Her ginkgo is just a babysitter, what's the role?

The other party also valued her too much, so what else could kidnap Jiang Xinrui?

Is Jiang Xinrui stupid, or is she crazy enough to do such a stupid thing?

Although everyone didn't mention anything, how could he not see Jiang Xinrui's unusualness when Ginkgo has been around Hua Sheng for many years?

I just haven't said it. After all, this is the lady's business. Besides, the young lady has the ability and Ginkgo is more at ease. In this way, there are many people who can protect the lady.

Whatever problem happened to their family, one more person would help Hua Sheng!

She is no longer two people with Fengxi, one side falls, and there is one busy and innocent clone...

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