Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2978: : Ginkgo shakes

Even though the vampire doesn't practice these kind of spiritual energy, he can't deny that he can't feel it.

But Tuttle relentlessly challenged Hua Sheng because of Hua Sheng's appearance. Tuttle could not feel whether Hua Sheng was really better than Yuqilin.

Coupled with Tuttle's hatred of Huasheng, how could he care so much?

"Can you really make me believe what you say? Even God can't deal with Huasheng, what can you do? Besides, Huasheng can't change my life back, can you do it again?"

"Don't you find it ridiculous?"

Ginkgo turned his head, not looking at Tuttle, feeling complicated and upset.

Because just like Tuttle said, she was shaken, otherwise she wouldn't keep changing the subject, emphasizing her relationship with Hua Sheng over and over again.

Ginkgo is not only telling Tuttle but also reminding himself.

Never forget Hua Sheng's kindness to herself, and their love for so many years, she can't be as stupid as Chuntao back then, step by step wrong!

But it's not to blame for her being swayed, people's hearts are all flesh-grown. If they weren't shaken, Ginkgo had already told Hua Sheng when Jasmine told her this for the first time.

Not to wait until she can't control it at all, and hurriedly told Hua Sheng, but now it seems that it is too late...

When Jasmine told Ginkgo about those for the first time, she did not say that on the one hand, it was because she was too confused and didn’t know what to do, but she was also slightly unwilling to do so. If this is the case, her current life is completely Different, how could she and Gao He tortured each other?

Although she said that she didn't care, what should happen will always happen, but after all she hasn't experienced it, everything will be different.

Ginkgo's heart is really uncomfortable. She wants the Huasheng family to be happy, what about her?

She said that happiness is also happiness in her life, but she said that suffering is also suffering.

Meeting Gao He is really rare for her.

Ginkgo doesn't have any big ideas, just a dull day, and this person is what she expected, and finally became nothing, she will be humiliated by Gao He's wife...

Ginkgo is also unwilling. Sometimes people are very strange. Once their thoughts fall into a strange situation, they will never get out again, and they look stupid.

She was also paranoid, just like Jasmine, otherwise she wouldn't be hypnotized so quickly.

No matter how strong the hypnotic ability of the Moon Family is, there will be exceptions, at least not so fast.

Dealing with a person who is caught in paranoia can be said to be effortless.

"At least the first point I made, I helped you vent your anger, and the person who humiliated you has been killed by me!"

"The man you love can't marry her, and your loyal master has done nothing for you!"

"Opportunities are not always there. How can she live her life, or she can live it casually, the luck that flows from her fingers is yours for a lifetime, you just do something to her, she will have countless Things can be compensated, but you are not..."

Seeing that Ginkgo had been visibly loosened, Tuttleton's eyes changed and he continued to promise her, anyway he couldn't do it, Ginkgo would believe him, so he just said casually.

Ginkgo clenched his fists in both hands, thinking of Hua Sheng's care for her over the years, even thinking of her missing now, Hua Sheng would definitely be very anxious...

But as Tuttle said, Hua Sheng still has many opportunities, but she doesn't...

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