Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2981: : Come back suddenly

"If you want to go, yes, then you can ask A Sheng, if she says yes, I will let you go, and wife, if you go, nothing can be changed!"

"A Sheng is checking everything you want to know, Jiang Liu is also by your side, so don't worry! You should be safe on your side. If something happens to you, who can be at ease?"

"Or do you think that something will happen to you at that time, everyone is busy looking for ginkgo and dealing with vampires, but also worry about you! Worry more than ever, we don't want to make trouble now."

"Let Xiaohei go back first. If there is any news, even if A Sheng can't tell us in time, you can let Xiao Hei come. You also know that A Sheng may not be able to reply to you in time!"

Qin Wanyu knew what Feng Xi was worried about, how could he not know something about the person next to him, he just couldn't know it anymore!

Feng Xi now has a big belly and is just an ordinary pregnant woman. What can she do?

Although Qin Wanyu is a little bit ruthless now, if he is not ruthless, he really can't stop the wind.

Feng Xi is an impatient person, and his mood is more unstable during pregnancy. Many things don't stop at the goal.

Although Qin Wanyu followed her in everything, it would definitely be intolerable for her to be true.

It is not a trivial matter for this woman to give birth, especially when the month is old, Qin Wanyu's heart is held every day.

When Feng Xi heard Qin Wanyu's words, he was calm, shut up, and sat on the sofa without moving.

I have to say that Qin Wanyu's words are still useful, or that it is the phrase don't make people messy.

Feng Xi's heart is really uncomfortable. After all, this child is still a little depressed, that is, Feng Xi's character is really squeamish.

In the past, even if anyone said something like this, Feng Xi would definitely have to go back.

Only now, Feng Xi touched her belly. Since she became pregnant, Hua Sheng stood in front and helped her no matter what happened outside.

Just like when Hua Sheng was pregnant, it seemed to be the same.

But presumably Hua Sheng must be very uncomfortable, right?

I feel delayed and dragged down.

Feng Xi never thought that she would have such a day, just like Hua Sheng, she didn't expect it too, right?

Is this a woman?

No matter how strong you are, you will become weak and strong when you become a mother!

"Yes, I will go back to see the situation, even if the master doesn't tell you, I will come over to report to you!"

Xiao Hei watched Feng Xi's mood getting lower and lower, and without a word he got up and jumped out of the window.

Hurry up and run back to Shili Chunfeng, this will not only worry Feng Xi, Xiao Hei is also worried.

Although Hua Sheng is not the same as Jiang Liu now, it's hard to prevent a secret arrow. It may be a delusion of persecution. When something happens, Xiao Hei feels that this is for Hua Sheng.

Not standing next to Hua Sheng at this time, Xiao Hei really can't rest assured.

And Xiao Hei's ability to go now just rounded Xiao Hei's mind.

Moreover, Xiao Hei always felt that this matter was not that simple, and there were a lot of Feng family members. Xiao Hei could be relieved. The important thing was that Xiao Hei felt that it was not simple because this matter was directed at Hua Sheng.

Feng Xi looked at Xiao Hei's back and didn't speak, but he didn't get up to leave anymore, just watching like this, waiting for news.

Xiao Hei can feel it, and so can Feng Xi, maybe it's a perception.

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