Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2987: : Grievance

Ginkgo can't talk too much to Gao He, because the more he knows, the more dangerous it is, but Zhao Jiajia's death is as heavy as Ginkgo.

That was what she saw with her own eyes. The other party deliberately killed Zhao Jiajia to show her. Even if Ginkgo tried hard to make herself forget, she would only see Gao He here. Even when the police asked, Ginkgo could not help but think of it. When the man bit on Zhao Jiajia’s neck, the sound of blood flowing...

There is also Zhao Jiajia's dying call for help. She really doesn't want to die. Although this person hates a bit, she has done nothing wrong...

"Ginkgo, calm down, in fact, what you see may not be true, it may be an illusion, what is there to threaten you? You are an ordinary little girl! So you just think too much, you may not see anything ! But you scare yourself, because everyone is looking for you, you are in a hurry! Plus you and her are the last people to come into contact with during the surveillance... Believe me, no matter how you count, it has nothing to do with you!"

"Zhao Jiajia's affairs are all my responsibility. I agreed to get married for the purpose of marriage, but I didn't like her. I said I would be responsible for her, but now I am a corpse..."

"It's all because I want to marry her, that's the result. I tell you, it is because of me that I have come to this stage, otherwise no one will target Zhao Jiajia, even if someone really wants to threaten you, They also came to me directly!"

"So it has nothing to do with you!"

"Okay, I'll send you back, don't think about it, this matter has nothing to do with you, just let them find me!"

Gao He's expression was a bit agitated, because the matter between them has affected many people, and even made an innocent girl die in vain!

The cause is obviously him, how could Gao He let Ginkgo bear this!

After saying this, regardless of what Ginkgo wanted to say, he drove away, and directly sent Ginkgo back to Shili Chunfeng.

As for Gao He, he doesn't know who he is going to find, but he knows one thing, he needs to handle Zhao Jiajia's affairs now!

The respect that the deceased should have is still necessary.

For Ginkgo, Gao He is really uncomfortable. He used to know that he missed the love in his youth, but now he may never come together again!

The death of Zhao Jiajia has become a heavy burden that can never be put down...

Ginkgo returned to the ten-mile spring breeze, sitting on the ground, thinking of Gao He's self-blame, his eyes became more and more red.

She regretted it!

I regretted why I had to tell Gao He this. She had already made him tired. Her original intention was to let Gao He relieve the pain in her heart, but she didn't want to make it worse.

Looking at the back of Gao He leaving, it was so depressed and sad...

Ginkgo clenched his teeth and his eyes became more and more red. What was all this for?

And who is all this because of?

In fact, this pot is easy to carry, not because of Huasheng!

If it weren't for Hua Sheng, how would a vampire know her? Ginkgo might think that these things will only appear on TV!

And those people will not attack Gao He in order to threaten her. This time it was the people around Gao He who were killed, and it will be him next time!

Because that person doesn't make sense at all!

Thinking of Gao He's endless resentment towards himself when he left, Ginkgo's resentment towards Hua Sheng also began to become obvious, perhaps it can be said that it is getting heavier!

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