Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2990: : Take away Miss

If it weren't for such a half-true answer, Ginkgo felt that he would not be able to perform this scene.

It turns out that it is so hard to deceive the lady, as if she had pierced countless knives...

After Ginkgo finished speaking, no matter what else, she hugged Hua Sheng, she was really uncomfortable, but at this point, she was also helpless.

She really didn't mean it, she just wanted to live, and also wanted Gao He to live well, saying that Gao He owed her, and today this happened, she also owed Gao He.

Someone must pay it back.

But she was really sorry for Hua Sheng, she could only hold Hua Sheng and shout 10,000 sorry in her heart...

Ginkgo knows that no amount of sorry can make up for what she has to do...

At this moment, Ginkgo suddenly understood Chuntao's choice, but she was a little different from Chuntao. Chuntao's choice was obviously out of selfishness, and she was forced, and she didn't want to watch innocent people die.

Besides...her destiny has indeed changed because of Hua Sheng...

She had seen such a happy life in Ginkgo Dream. She had never had such a real dream. She saw the self she used to marry into the Gao family, and lived well with Gao He.

Gao He's parents did not dislike her anymore, and Gao He was more attentive to her than before. The laughter of the family has never stopped because she is pregnant...

The world in the dream seems to be speeding up. It seems that it is very fast from Ginkgo's pregnancy to the birth of a child. She and Gao He had a son when she became pregnant in October.

Needless to say, the Gao family is even happier...

Ginkgo really didn't want to wake up, she wanted to stay in that dream forever, but that was an illusion, and her previous life had been changed.

She will never come back again, and she and Gao He will never go there again.

Ginkgo sometimes wondered if this dream was when she broke up with Gao He, would she change her decision?

But this is another impossible!

She is not Hua Sheng, and she does not have the life to turn back time.

"Okay, don't be sad, all the bad things will pass, leave the rest to me, I won't let those people continue to hurt the innocent, don't worry."

Hua Sheng watched Ginkgo hugging herself and burst into tears, realizing that she was really scared too, and softly comforted...

The two did not delay too long, because Jiang Xinrui was about to leave school, and Ginkgo had not forgotten that she still had business to do.

To prepare dinner for the family, Jasmine used to buy it, but now Jasmine is missing, of course it was Ginkgo.

Hua Sheng didn't want her to go, but Ginkgo wanted to go, and Hua Sheng didn't stop her when she said to Hua Sheng to divert her attention.

Ginkgo wiped away her tears and went directly to Jiang Xinrui's school. Of course, she did not go shopping. Now the most important thing for Ginkgo is not Hua Sheng's business...

Jiangcheng Primary School.

The children of these families are here, and they are also Jiangliu's alma mater.

"Auntie Ginkgo? Why are you here before school is over?"

Jiang Xinrui raised her head and looked at Ginkgo in doubt.

The little face that looked like Hua Sheng was shocked when he looked at Ginkgo, and I was going to do something to be sorry for Hua Sheng. Looking at the little lady's face, it was like doing bad things under Hua Sheng's eyelids. Ginkgo felt so stressed.

"There is something at home today. Miss asked me to pick you up earlier. Let's go."

Ginkgo bit the tip of his tongue fiercely to keep himself awake, not to be stupid at the critical moment, and then the lie came with his mouth open.

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