Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2993: : It's all here

In fact, ginkgo's bag contains pre-prepared injections. I am worried that the child is afraid, and if there is any accident, it is easy to control.

It is the medicine that allows Jiang Xinrui to be honest, calming and sleeping.

After all, in such a place, even if she is usually strong and still a child, how can she not be afraid?

Therefore, Ginkgo is still somewhat good, but it is really not as good as no good heart.

Regarding the behavior of Ginkgo, in Jiang Xinrui's opinion, I really want to say, "You really think too much..."

Jiang Xinrui's current mood is really not simpler than Ginkgo, it can be said that it is more complicated than Ginkgo, after all, she has been around since she was a child.

But now it's useless to say anything, Jiang Xinrui's vision has become more and more confused...

Some people have chosen a path that they will never return!

Useless export options!

At the same time, the Spring Breeze of Ten Miles is also somewhat different.

Because the time has passed, Hua Sheng found that Ginkgo had not returned with Jiang Xinrui!

Regarding the result that Ginkgo has not brought Jiang Xinrui back, it can be said that Hua Sheng's heart is cold.

Hua Sheng couldn't help wondering if she really did something wrong?

But a lot of things have come to this point, doesn't she have no choice?

Hua Sheng's heart was flustered. She was uncomfortable. She looked at Jiang Liu, and Jiang Liu calmed down softly. The two eyes showed meaning that only they could understand.

Silent moment...

"This kid, why is he not obedient!"

"What is she..."

Hua Sheng whispered uneasy.

The expression was even more regretful, she shouldn't believe that little girl's words, what else would she say?

This girl has been a big idea since she was young!

"When the child gets older, she will have her own thoughts sooner or later, so don't worry, she has a sense of measure!"

Jiang Liu replied in a deep voice.

Of course, Jiang Liu must be worried, but it's useless to say these things now. Even if he stopped him today, the child would still use other methods.

The top priority now is to prepare what to do.

Although Jiang Liu is very confident of the child and knows that the opponent's strength is very low, but who knows if the opponent will attack or something...

"How old is she? Even if it's a little different, it's a child!"

"How can I rest assured!"

If Hua Sheng interrupted the river flow, he hurried around in a hurry. If he went now, he wouldn't be stunned, right?

Hua Sheng didn't ask about this idea either. After saying this, he just got up and prepared to set off. He couldn't rest assured about anything.

If something happens to the last child, Hua Sheng really cannot forgive himself.

But instead of waiting for Hua Sheng to go out, Feng Xi and others were all here.

Hua Zhi, Hua Lin, and even Yu Ping are here...

Feng Xi now has a big belly. He hasn't felt at ease this day. He has been waiting for news at home, but he didn't expect the last news to come!

As for Hua Zhi, Hua Lin came by herself and didn't bring her children. Yu Ping came by accident because she started traveling after she married Yuan Shao.

I came back once in a while. I just came back and wanted to report peace to Huasheng. I didn’t expect to get news from Huasheng...

"Why are you all here?"

"Forget about others, you will have to give birth to Fengxi, hurry back to me! I can handle the matter here!"

Hua Sheng didn't even think about it, so he signaled Qin Wanyu to take Fengxi back. This is a big deal!

A belly that is about to give birth, how can you bear a little accident?

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