Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2999: : Underpopularity

Tuttle's expression is really getting more and more agitated as he speaks, and that's how the treacherous villain might be when he is proud!

When Tuttle spoke, a woman appeared behind him and moved a chair for him. Tuttle looked at the person behind him very satisfied, and then at Hua Sheng provocatively.

That proud, Fengxi really couldn't bear it anymore. He almost rolled his arms and sleeves and was about to go up. Not to mention the wind. The man Qin Wanyu couldn't bear it either, his angry eyes were red, Hua Zhi Already looking around for something to shoot...

But the final result is definitely being held back, Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu both have changed aura, but they still have to be optimistic about what Tuttle wants to do. The child is still in the hands of others. Now there is no news, how can you act rashly? Too!

Several people could only follow Hua Sheng to watch the man sitting at the door and the woman behind the man. When they saw the woman clearly, Feng Xi and others changed their faces, and then looked at Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu. Because that person was Jasmine who had suddenly lost news!

And this will be discovered by Fengxi and others. Ginkgo seems to have never appeared?

Afterwards, Feng Xi and others put their eyes on Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu, regardless of where the ginkgo went, but Jasmine was standing behind this man!

Plus, what did the man say as a gift from a good sister? The few people looked at each other subconsciously, after all, it is obvious that the other party has gathered all the good sisters of Hua Sheng!

Now that he said that the child was sent by a good sister, it was inevitable to doubt the other person, but after seeing Jasmine, he seemed to have doubts. In any case, this was a heartbreaking thing.

Feng Xi and others didn't know what to say, because they deeply felt that the next thing must have greatly exceeded their expectations.

Because if it has nothing to do with them, the other party will not get them together!

But they and Hua Sheng will never break with the sisters. This is certain, but it is still uncomfortable in their hearts...

Some memories always appear in their minds when they are inexplicable, and then a few people subconsciously reject them in their hearts. This is not what they should have thought!

Those memories come here as dreams, they are all fake, but they can't be provoked by something that is neither human nor ghost.

As for Jasmine, when she appeared, she had to ask her face to face, but she stared forward blankly, without any emotion in her eyes!

She is not pretending, it can be said that she is now a complete puppet!

A body without flowing blood! Only relying on Tuttle's hypnosis to live, and when the hypnosis was broken, Jasmine's body also fell, which was a dead body.

It can be said that she has been killed by Tuttle, sucked half of her blood, and used the rest as hypnotic food, becoming a thoughtless puppet.

When Jasmine died, she did not bring pain, because she left in a dream, daydreaming about living a happy life with her sweetheart!

That's what Tuttle paid her. Her task was completed, and it was useless to keep it!

Only Jasmine foolishly thought that she had really fulfilled her wish. In her dream, she also drove the jade unicorn away...

She is also a sad person. She could have been dull and happy. Hua Sheng even prepared her dowry. Although the little fat reporter has a mediocre appearance, he really likes Jasmine. He is only used to seeing the beauty of the people around him. Jasmine became dissatisfied as she watched it, especially when seeing Nangong Liuyue bye unexpectedly...

It can only be said that she is not greedy enough, and it is useless to say more!

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