Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3012: Jiang Liu apologizes

Yu Ping is not afraid of hardship, she just feels distressed, why does it become like this? The people around you are all happy, and they all change, but she is the only one like this?

Doesn't she even have the right to ask questions?

Why should everyone blame themselves now? What did she do wrong?

She has been soaked in bitter water since she was a child. She never asks for anything, she has always been grateful. She has always believed that the world is fair and can be expected.

No matter how the family is, she has complained and cried... but she has endured it because she values ​​family affection. At that time, she thought that her mother would change sooner or later, and she knew that she was good.

But afterwards, the reality awakened her for the first time. It turned out that everything was fake, it was a dream!

For this reason, Yu Ping was depressed until she met Hua Sheng, the noble man who changed her life.

At that moment, Yu Ping felt that she had endured the rewards for many years, and the blessing that God gave her, turned out to meet Hua Sheng?

Yu Ping is really grateful for this person who took her out of the sea of ​​suffering.

Yu Ping remembered it clearly, and also read it, not dare to forget it all the time, but she didn't expect how it would become like this in the end?

She endured, endured...

It is not that she is unwilling to use her life to change Hua Sheng's day. Yu Ping has no complaints, but the premise must be let her know.

Does she have a right to know?

Confused, she made a decision, thinking it was a repayment, but the result was the beginning of pain?

What happens later?

My mother is controlled...

Yu Ping would also thank the Huasheng family for their help. What happened? That might be a trap against Hua Sheng.

Either he, the mother who has become a ghost, and even the innocent Yuan Shao, are all cannon fodder.

He could no longer have children that day, and Yuan Shao almost died...

What is the reason for this?

She doesn't even know that many problems can be solved at this time, but she has become a fool again?

Why should the world treat her this way?

Is she too obsessed?

But she is a small person and wants to live well!

What's wrong with her?

"Yu Ping, the trajectory of life is determined by nature, even if there is time to go back, it will be the same result, the only difference is your choice!"

"Do you mind what happened to A Sheng later, then I want to ask you, when you accept A Sheng's help, is it right?"

"Besides, A Sheng doesn't want to change anyone's fate. Neither she nor I have the ability. We are just people under the heaven."

"There are many things, we have no choice, because we have made an unalterable change in your life, I also apologize to you, I'm sorry to hurt you."

Jiang Liu held Hua Sheng in his arms and held him tightly. He felt Hua Sheng's heartache.

Of course, I am sincerely sorry for Ping. Many things happened because of him. At the same time, he kept looking at Tuttle, who was standing at the door with a smile, and was wary of him secretly making moves.

Jiang Liu was completely wrong about Tuttle, because he was watching the show now, and it was up to Hua Sheng to end it.

If the sisters didn't quarrel, he would add to it, and he definitely couldn't let the matter of today end. It can be said that if Yu Ping did not continue to ask, then the person who asked them would become Tuttle.

Relying on the hostages in his own hands, staying here, there is no pressure at all, but very excited, even if it is beaten, it doesn't matter!

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