Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3014: Memory in the brain

"The result is that you are the worst."

"Hua Sheng's sisters are almost completely unaffected. They are the same as their original destiny, or even better. Feng Xi should have died long ago, and their souls are scattered. What about now? The husband and wife's affection is about to give birth."

"Hua Zhi also gave birth to his son safely. Originally, I hypnotized the old lady. I left something on Hua Zhi's body, which affected the mood of the pregnant woman every day. It was easy to die during childbirth. As a result, Hua Sheng was afraid of what would happen to Hua Zhi. Accidentally, I received it directly from my side..."

"As for Hua Lin, I don’t need to say any more. My little life is happier than anyone else. I don’t know if you found out that Hua Sheng rarely asks you to come around? Do you know why? Because of the spell on your body, you and Your child’s life was won against the sky. If you get along for a long time, you will kill the people around you. This is the case for your in-laws who died early, and your husband almost died. If he was not protected by the police, you would die. Up!"

"And that ginkgo and Jasmine, those two little girls, whose life is bitter, Hua Sheng, how can you bear to even harm them?"

"Obviously, you can even do things that are against the sky and guard your new life. Why can't you look at the poor people around you?"

"Aren't your sisters obviously good enough? Why bother to add more flowers?"

Tuttle watched these people finish talking with Yu Ping, turned their heads to look at him, and laughed immediately.

Then with a distressed cry, it was completely pretending, or the voice of pinching his throat, it was uncomfortable to listen to it.

But Tuttle didn't think there was any problem at all. Instead, he acted better in his play. When it came to the end, he directly helped Jasmine on the ground and said distressedly!

It seemed to be replacing Jasmine.

Obviously you are so strong and capable, why can't you save me?

It's this tone of voice, completely standing on the right angle.

Hua Sheng knew that if it had been Hua Zhi, Hua Lin would have hurt the most, and now Tuttle will be brainwashed.

This is a pit.

Hua Sheng never felt that this would be a problem. At this stage, many things are compelling. It can be said that it is related to her, but is this relationship not mutual?

But if it was never once, Huasheng would still choose the same.

If fate can really change, many things will not be in the form they are today.

Including herself, she will not be the result of today, losing two children one after another, and her daughter is still missing...

"What two children? Doesn't A Sheng only have one daughter?"

"And what the **** are you talking about? What messy dreams?"

"You did all the things we met before? Where did you come from the incomplete ancient books of my Feng Family?"

Feng Xi pointed to Tuttle and asked, his mind was stunned, because there were many memories in his mind for a time.

It can be said that it is a repetitive memory that has existed before. At that time, Fengxi thought that the day was thinking and the night was dreaming, plus many things were the extension of what happened, making it more like a dream.

It's just that at this moment, she is not daydreaming, the hidden memory in her mind is like a locked door, and Tuttle's words are the key.

Feng Xi has more memories in her mind, just like playing a movie.

Dreams at night can be said to be fake, but what about during the day? Tuttle was outside, not approaching, Shili Chunfeng also had an enchantment, and no one could attack himself by Hua Sheng's side.

So no one can control her memory!

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