Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3017: Daughter refused

But now it's impossible for Tuttle to know. Now he is full of pain about how to watch Hua Sheng, as if this is his only motivation now.

This night is destined to be long and unforgettable in a lifetime.

After Tuttle said these things, he didn't look at what Hua Sheng and others looked like. In short, his purpose was complete.

I didn't even feel that some things had been out of his control, and that his only bargaining chip was Jiang Xinrui!

Since he knew that the child was different, he should know that his hypnotism was useless to her, but Tuttle was too careful, or that all his thoughts were about how to torture Hua Sheng.

He didn't pay much attention to other issues, and always subconsciously thought it was okay. A little girl who has actually lived in the world for less than two years can turn the sky over?

This is what Tuttle thinks, so when he feels something is wrong, everything is too late...

Tuttle's current state is full of thoughts, how long will it be before Huasheng's collapse...

Regarding Hua Zhi, Hua Lin’s silence was actually something Tuttle had guessed. After all, they had nothing to hurt.

It can even be said to be better and more perfect. For the first time, all the misery is left behind, but this is from the perspective of the sisters. It is not true. It is just a personal point of view, but it is not like this... …

When Tuttle fell, he hardly gave Hua Sheng and others a chance to speak, let alone what Jiang Liu wanted to do, completely interrupted.

Tuttle knows that everyone here wants to kill him now, no matter which one it is, but it doesn't matter, Tuttle doesn't care. It can be said that he came here today and didn't want to live.

In the end, I was lucky enough to survive, and that was a profit.

Why would he not accept the daytime, otherwise Tuttle would not wait until this time in the evening...

Jiang Liu had really thought about doing it, because he knew that if he continued to let it go, nothing might happen to him. Moreover, Jiang Liu couldn't really watch Hua Sheng being tortured.

This kind of battle is more powerful than when it really starts.

The heart's ability to withstand damage is much weaker than that of the body, and it is the damage caused by the closest person!

Although it was caused by Tuttle, Jiang Liu could now see that a woman's heart was really uncontrollable, and he really didn't expect that so much hatred would accumulate in Yu Ping's heart.

There was a brainstorm today, Jiang Liu was really not sure what she wanted to do.

If this was an ordinary person, Jiang Liu would take it straight away without any pressure, and she would never let her jump around Hua Sheng.

It's just that this person is Hua Sheng's friend and sister. Seeing Hua Sheng's eyes with dissatisfaction, even self-blame, Jiang Liu felt particularly uncomfortable.

The only thing he can do is to let the matter completely end, so he stood up and apologized, right or wrong is not important, as long as it is over today, there will be time to make up in the future.

Rather than let this rift expand indefinitely today.

But Yu Ping obviously had no feelings about whether it was his apology or Hua Sheng's apology.

Jiang Liu is also in a hurry, thinking that there is only one other way, and that is to seal Tuttle's mouth first...

But Jiang Liu didn't expect it, but was rejected by his daughter.

That's right, Jiang Xinrui, who is thousands of miles away.

The father and the daughter were sensitive. When Jiang Liu wanted to keep alive, his mind moved slightly. Jiang Xinrui felt sensitive, and then refused, asking father to stay calm...

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