Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3021: Discovery purpose

Tuttle's words fell, and the faces of the people around him changed in an instant.

First of all, Feng Xi and others must have wanted to kill Tuttle, who told him to push things to a controllable level, and he was still inducing everyone to push all the problems to Hua Sheng!

"Quickly shut up for me!"

"According to what you said, I don't think you should be alive. What should you do when you receive A Sheng's help? If there is no A Sheng, will all of us have today? We must be grateful, right? As for A Sheng, is it still unreasonable?"

"Do you think everyone is as crazy as you?"

"Sisters of A Sheng will not be challenged by you!"

Feng Xi stood in front of Hua Sheng, glaring at Tuttle, clutching her stomach, her tone a little anxious, and then looked at a circle of people, mainly Yu Ping, let alone how Hua Sheng pulled her back, even if Hua Sheng didn't remember it, and Feng Xi wouldn't use it to mention it often, but this person can't forget it, right?

And now the meaning of this Tuttle is very obvious, he wants to provoke the relationship between Hua Sheng's sisters, let them kill each other is the goal.

Because only then would A Sheng suffer.

The sisters who have walked down for so many years all turned against each other. How could A Sheng be happy? My heart is breaking!

What's more, Feng Xi has seen so many things in recent years. A Sheng didn't apologize to anyone, but for these sisters, he almost gave his life time and time again!

Even so, anyone wants to betray Hua Sheng?

Fengxi can't understand it!

As for what Tuttle said about the loss of two children in succession by Huasheng, Feng Xi has no time to analyze it now, and just wants to quickly handle the matter.

Whether it is true or not, it is impossible for Jiang Xinrui to have an accident.

"Hehe, I admit that I want to provoke a bit, but have you thought that flies won't bite seamless eggs?"

"No matter how much you say, don't you want to cover up some facts?"

Tuttle looked at Fengxi and couldn't hold back the expressions of several people. This is forcing these people to see the situation carefully. Don't forget Hua Sheng's kindness?

Tuttle thinks this is a joke. If it weren't for Huasheng, it would be hard to kill, right?

Later, his life was saved by Hua Sheng, and it became a kindness? What is the reason for this?

As Tuttle said, he moved forward slightly and walked to a place where he could no longer get close. The barrier here was really annoying.

Seeing the faint red light around, Tuttle felt that the skinless face under the mask was painful, but he had to bear the pain, otherwise the distance would be too far...

"I don't have much to say, whatever you think, I don't care anymore."

"Now I just want to know when you will return the child to me. Now I am considered a betrayal! Is the effect you want enough?"

Hua Sheng looked at everything happening around him. From the sadness at the beginning to the expressionlessness now, he experienced shocks in his heart.

Hua Sheng had expected the reaction of the people around him.

But she did not expect that this day would really happen!

Now she doesn't care anymore. Whatever everyone thinks of her, Hua Sheng has only one purpose, and that is his daughter.

"Bai Hao..."

When Hua Lin listened to Feng Xi's words, she really felt that she couldn't lift her face up. Anyone could blame Hua Sheng, but she couldn't.

But no one knows that she is actually sad deep in her heart. Since one can be saved, can't she save another one?

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