Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3024: Yu Ping has changed

And Yu Ping was a little expectant, excited, worried, envious, jealous under everyone's gaze... As Feng Xi's hand touched Feng Xi's belly for almost eight months.

At that moment, Yu Ping really felt a lot of information, and his mind was complicated.

I tried to use my hands to feel the child, but I didn't dare to hurt this little life, Yu Ping was a little trembling.

At this moment, Qin Xiaobao suddenly made a face-to-face movement. He stretched out his little hands and feet and stuck them on his mother's stomach, separated by a layer of belly, as if to say hello to people outside.

Yu Ping quietly felt the child's reaction, her eyes were red instantly, and tears burst into her eyes.

She will never own the greatness of life like this, she can only feel like a thief like this, secretly feeling life...

"He is still very good, isn't he?"

"Almost two months to be born, I can call you Aunt Ping."

Feng Xi's voice was very soft, like Yu Ping, who was afraid of being frightened until she was in collapse, pulling out Yu Ping, who was about to fall into the cliff again.

As for other things, Feng Xi dared not even think about it, let alone mention it.

Because anyone with some sense can actually see clearly that these things were provoked by others, and they got in through the gap, fanning the flames in the middle, thinking about killing Hua Sheng.

No matter what the truth is, there are still people who believe in such a result.

If it were the usual Fengxi, she would have knocked people out and let the other person sleep well and wake up, but it is obviously not working now. Her almost eight-month belly really affects her performance.

Fortunately, this belly is still somewhat useful, just like now, watching Yu Ping's face full of tears and excitement, Feng Xi knows that Yu Ping is not really unable to pull it back.

After leaving a Jasmine, Feng Xi believed that their hearts hadn't really betrayed Hua Sheng, but they just needed them to help.

Of course, Feng Xi's heart is also very anxious at this moment. What she is most worried about is Jiang Xinrui in Tuttle's hands!

It's just that no matter how urgent you are, you have to comfort these sisters first, otherwise, before Jiang Xinrui is rescued, there will be something wrong with A Sheng.

Even if Hua Sheng doesn’t say anything now, Feng Xi knows that Hua Sheng may feel distressed now. A daughter was kidnapped before. At this critical moment, the sisters are beginning to fall apart again. Feng Xi does not dare to think of Hua Sheng’s heart. How painful.

The only thing we can do now is to try to restore everything to the original state, prevent this Tuttle from succeeding, and save the child!

Thinking of this, Feng Xi held Yu Ping's hand slightly hard. She hoped that Yu Ping could understand what she meant, and that Hua Sheng had never harmed anyone, let alone her sister.

"It's great, my daughter wasn't so lively at the time, she was very honest every day, maybe she felt that her father is no longer her father!"

"When I finally left my body, I no longer remember how painful it was, but my heart hurts even more."

"Actually, it doesn't matter if she leaves, a father like that, I didn't want my child to experience it again.

"Besides, I don't dare to gamble my second half of my life with my daughter's life!"

"You are both mothers now, and you can understand me, right?"

"Later I didn't expect it to be like this..."

Yu Ping spoke incoherently, and her expression was even sadder, which was different from when she asked.

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