Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3030: Can't save her

"Thank you!"

The White Wolf King looked at Jiang Liu deeply. Needless to say, he knew what Jiang Liu was capable of and who he was. As long as he wanted to, he would definitely succeed!

As for the Dao of Heaven, there was no damage to such a major event, but now it is only saving two lives. The White Wolf King really doesn't know if the Dao of Heaven is punished, what reason can be said.

But fortunately, God did not really care about them!

It's just that Qin Wanyu has something to say that the way of heaven may have been on his body. Later, the little bunny, that is, Qin Xiaobao, almost sulky Qin Wanyu died young!

The only thing that makes Qin Wanyu feel more comfortable is that the child insisted on what he said, and even practiced it, making him feel blush, proud of marrying Jiang Xinrui, and succeeded in doing it. No matter where Jiang Xinrui goes, the pendant on the little girl must follow.

After the little prince, there is another person who lives for ten miles in the spring breeze.

The angry river can't wait for time to flow back and block the self who will make a guarantee!

Forget the little prince, his cousin, but Qin Xiaobao can't! What kind of brother is this? The key is to have a daughter-in-law, and I don’t learn well at a young age...

Of course this is something for the future, and the current situation is still very tense.

After Feng Xi was injured, Hua Sheng has not been idle, conveying spiritual power to her body to make up for the damage caused by the injury, and also to heal the child's stab wounds.

Just like Yu Ping said, she did touch accurately and pierced more accurately. Feng Xi didn't expect her to accept Yu Ping with her heart, let alone how Yu Ping thought about harming her?

Let alone the wind, even Hua Sheng did not expect it!

Yu Ping's blade did pierce Feng Xi's stomach, and it really pierced Qin Xiaobao's body!

Hua Sheng also thought that Yu Ping was just anxious and couldn't think about it. Otherwise, how could such a thing happen?

It's really like dreaming, they are sisters!

Indeed, ten fingers are long and short. Hua Sheng will inevitably have a close relationship with everyone, but Hua Sheng believes that he has a clear conscience and has never taken the initiative to harm anyone.

How could even all the things around her be counted on her? Such blame has never stopped. Hua Sheng no longer remembers how many times he doubted himself.

Otherwise, why does this happen?

Hua Sheng didn't even question Yu Ping, because she had nothing to say about Ping!

Now that I think about my helping hand, I seem to understand why I hesitated and got into the fate of other people. No one knows the price.

When Hua Sheng didn't stretch out his hand, Yu Ping's destiny might not have changed. An ordinary family that favored sons and daughters was tortured and persecuted into a sad appearance!

And Hua Sheng stretched out her hand to help her escape. She will live a happy life for several years, but it will be short-lived, and then continue to twists and turns and continue to be happy...

This goes over and over again!

Hua Sheng didn't know if she was right to stretch out her hand, and she didn't dare to say anything without regret, but one thing she admitted was that she never felt sorry for Yu Ping. After today, it will be difficult for her and Yu Ping to return to the past.


"Have you forgotten me? Aura is life-saving, it can indeed keep Fengxi mother and child, but Hua Sheng, your child is still in my hands!"

"I want you to let go of the wind!"

"Otherwise, if the child in Fengxi's stomach lives today, then your child will die! I will do what I say! Just like none of you dare to touch me now, I have a trump card in my hand!"

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