Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3037: No one in the car

After Qin Wanyu finished speaking, his eyes beckoned to the White Wolf King and the Breeze of the Feng Family. How could they go out together, even if they wanted to stop, Tuttle wouldn't dare to stop!

Besides, he couldn't stop him. He couldn't stop anyone who wanted to leave today. Otherwise, how could he think of kidnapping a child as a threat?

He is so capable!

Qin Wanyu looked down on this vampire, and it could be said that he looked down on it. All his thoughts were on Fengxi now. He didn't say anything bad, and he was already giving Hua Sheng face.

Because in Qin Wanyu's eyes, giving Hua Sheng face is also giving Feng Xi face, who tells Feng Xi to value Hua Sheng so much.

As for Yu Ping, Qin Wanyu could not choose to forgive whether she was controlled like Jiang Liu said.

If Feng Xi really has something in case, even if Qin Wanyu does follow, he must first solve the woman and avenge Feng Xi.

Besides, even if he didn't do it, those people from Feng's family wouldn't let her go! Of course there is that vampire.

When the White Wolf King heard Qin Wanyu's words, he hesitated. It wasn't because of other reasons that he couldn't leave now, but he was worried that Feng Qingcheng would not be as powerful as Jiang Liu and could save Fengxi.

The current situation of Fengxi is not only to hang his life with spiritual power, but also to maintain the little master until the little master is born safely. Such a "big project", the White Wolf King does not believe in the former master of the Feng family, but the current Feng After all, Qingcheng was already a queen, and it was not long after giving birth to two children.

The body may not be recovering well. You must know that the female head of the Feng family lost all her magic power when she gave birth to the next generation.

Another point, and most importantly, is identity! Everyone has his own destiny, and they may not be able to manage the human world anymore. When all the dust settles, this is a certainty!

Not everyone is Huasheng, and everyone has this ability to be missed all the time...

So it’s a gamble to leave now. The White Wolf King admits that Qin Wanyu’s current choice is also right. Waiting on, I don’t know what the result will be, but I don’t wait...

At the same time, just as the White Wolf King gritted his teeth and was about to leave, there was new movement on Tuttle's side.

This new movement can be said to have been prepared for a while.

"Ginkgo? What are you doing? Raise your head and see your old master, how can you not look straight?"

"Hurry up, bring all the children down, let them see, my little darlings, are they scared stupid..."

Tuttle suppressed the ugly voice and called Ginkgo.

Then he turned his head and looked at her, with some doubts in his eyes under the mask. He didn't understand what Ginkgo was still grinding on?

The host's children have been taken away, and the betrayal has been done, so what else can't you dare?

Are you still babbling at this time?

When Ginkgo heard Tuttle's words, he still didn't answer. He lowered his head and looked a little worried, but other people couldn't see it.

Tuttle looked at Ginkgo and didn't respond, his eyes changed suddenly, and he speeded up and walked over. He pushed Ginkgo aside and opened the car door to see that it was actually empty?

"What about people?"

"Don't you tell me, did you let them go?"

"Why do you want to collect corpses for the Gaohe family? Don't you know that my people are scattered throughout Jiangcheng? Do you really think the family will not help me?"

Before Tuttle finished speaking, he grabbed Ginkgo's neck, his eyes were fierce and murderous!

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