Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3039: Female voice

Hua Zhi thought that even if she said she didn't care about her own son, no one would believe it.

Therefore, Hua Zhi's heartbeat really stopped, and there were lives before and after. She really didn't know how to choose, and she was panicked. This night was really too tormenting for her.

Especially when I heard Qin Wanyu's words, Hua Zhixin was in pain. Although she was sometimes jealous and Fengxi had such a good relationship with Hua Sheng, why is Hua Sheng not the most important thing in her heart?

Some grudges between little sisters.

But when it comes to human life, Hua Zhi still knows that he can't mess around.

She didn't want to leave it alone, let alone give up. She believed Hua Sheng would not give up either, but in that car...

It can be said that when there was no one in the car, Hua Zhi's heart almost jumped out. That's great, she knew that the little devil in her family would not be taken away so easily!

The little devil in her family is dead.

As for Qin Wanyu, seeing no one in the car, he was relieved. Of course, he was not only thinking about not embarrassing Huasheng, but also at ease with innocent lives.

I hope Ginkgo will not let everyone down!

"There is really no one inside? What about my son? Where is my family Bai Kangning?"

"Where did you get it?"

"What the **** do you want to do! Why do you want to arrest my son? He is a child and has nothing to do with adults. Don't torture me anymore, OK!"

Hua Lin didn't think so much. She rushed to the car driven by Ginkgo to look inside. Even the trunk was opened. There was no son in it. Hua Lin couldn't say what she was feeling.

Without her son, it can't prove that he was not arrested. That person is so confident, who knows if something happened halfway, Hua Lin's heart is overwhelming!

Hua Lin also endured for a long time by the side. At this moment, she felt that she still had the elegant air of being a teacher.

All she knew was that this night, she was really going to torture her crazy. Tuttle said he was going to torture Hua Sheng and seek revenge on Hua Sheng, but in her opinion, it was herself who couldn't stand it now.

Looking at her fifth sister, she looks indifferent?

Hua Lin really didn't know what state of mind she had to face all this, she even wondered, why did she come here?

Is Jiang Xinrui lost? What can she do? Apart from being anxious with Hua Sheng, she can only watch the rest of the time. After all, she knows nothing. Even her fifth sister gave her her life!

"Heh, who wants to torture you? Please, please find out, if there is no Hua Sheng, who knows who you are? Don't forget, all I want to find are Hua Sheng's sisters, friends!"

"The blame is that you have a good sister!"

"It's like Yu Ping has a good friend!"

Tuttle looked at Hua Lin also starting to follow the crazy, and immediately laughed, still the kind of mocking smile.

As he said, Hua Lin itself is not worth what he did, but there is no way. Who calls her Hua Sheng’s sister?

Drive such a person crazy and counter-attack Huasheng. In the end, Huasheng received the greatest damage!

This would be two missing children. Tuttle thought it would be less effective. He didn't expect Hua Lin to be forced to bear it. It was an unexpected joy, which directly compensated for Tuttle's anger just now.

But Tuttle didn't expect the proud time of this meeting to be so short?

Then a girl's voice came, breaking all his plans.

"Cherish your pride now, in this life, you will be here!"

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