Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3042: Overexcited

Even for the vampires he saw, he was a little eager to try, and asked himself excitedly, could he discuss with Hua Sheng and ask his sister to nod and teach him skills. If he can't deal with vampires, he can become a vampire. He thinks everyone is so cool?

Hua Zhi suddenly felt unlovable. She shouldn't have too much hope for the little prince. The child's brain circuit is different.

Bai wasted emotionally worrying about him, Hua Zhi was still a little dissatisfied, saying that she did not comfort her son.

If a child has encountered a kidnapping, even a ghost, even if he is not afraid, he shouldn’t be so excited, right? The little prince was obviously over-excited. Although Bai Kangning didn't say anything, Hua Zhi still knew the child. He felt that as an older brother, he was not brave than a younger brother, so he was embarrassed to show his face!

Hua Zhi could see it clearly, but Hua Lin didn't seem to understand it, just because her son was scared and kept comforting him, Hua Zhi felt that she was comforting herself.

But Hua Zhi didn't expose it, because she didn't want to talk to Hua Lin. Hua Lin now had something abnormal in Hua Zhi's eyes, and they couldn't communicate.

Hua Zhi could understand that Hua Lin was worried about her child, but could not understand that she pushed her friend out and let her die regardless.

Hua Zhi couldn't do such a thing!

"Prince, shut up and ask me about these messy things. You don't want to go to the fencing class on weekends. Don't go anymore."

"Rui Rui, how are you? You are not injured? The prince should not be able to take care of... you, are you afraid? Just like the prince said, in fact, you don’t need to be afraid. The ones you see are fake. They are talking You play around, Ruirui is the strongest."

"Everything today is a dream, everything you see is."

Hua Zhi first comforted her son and made her ears quieter. Then she looked at Jiang Xinrui up and down to see if there was anything wrong with her.

In fact, even if you don't look at it, Hua Zhi knows that Jiang Xinrui must be fine. Her instinct tells herself that Bai Kangning and the prince are safe, thanks to Jiang Xinrui.

It's just that Hua Zhi still doesn't feel relieved. This little girl is too quiet, and she is the only girl.

As for comforting the prince, it’s in the bullseye. The little prince has been learning fencing lessons every week recently. The children of other families are requested by their parents, and the prince requested it by himself, because he thinks this sport is very cool, so he has to learn it all over. All the cool things in the world.

So when Hua Zhi was about to ban him from taking classes, the prince finally became quiet, and stopped saying anything about becoming a vampire, because he later realized that there seemed to be a little uneasy here.

This ten-mile spring breeze is a little different from the past.

The prince said that it was simple, because his brain circuits were different, he was bolder and more playful, but it could also be said that he was just the arc of reflection.

It was only now that I realized that these vampires really wanted to kill them? And the red things on Wuyi and Wuyifu? Is that blood? Because it is dark, the prince is young and he sees it late.

I also thought that if Jiang Xinrui hadn't appeared in time, would he and Bai Kangning's brother be turned into corpses? Thinking of this, the prince moved his small neck and hugged Hua Zhi, suddenly feeling a little scared.

But after another thought, Jiang Xinrui is here, what is he afraid of?

Those things seem to be very afraid of Jiang Xinrui.

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