Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3046: Fight with father

So Jiang Xinrui didn't waste time, and first pushed Hua Zhi and the little prince into the room.

Yu Ping didn't seem to be afraid of the sudden change of Tuttle, and didn't respond at all. She still smiled madly at the corner of her mouth, while tears kept streaming down her eyes.

Just like Jiang Liu guessed, she just couldn't control her behavior, but she knew exactly what she had done, and she hated her to death.

She wanted to kill herself directly, but she still couldn't control her behavior, and the tears in the corner of her eyes became her only vent.

Yu Ping didn't have the face to face Hua Sheng, and the wind was hurt by her.

It's better to just die, it can be regarded as apologizing for Feng Xi mother and son!

If something happened to Feng Xi's mother and son, Yu Ping felt that even if she died, it would not be enough to pay back. Thinking of the eyes of Qin Wanyu and Feng's people, Yu Ping thought, if she does not die today, it might be tomorrow. Will it be worse than death, right?

Yu Ping feels that she is dead now is not wronged at all, because although she does not understand many things, she knows one thing, why others are not hypnotized, according to Tuttle’s character, it is impossible for him not to hypnotize. It can only fail.

The reason for the failure is that one is strong self-control, and the other is that there is no obsession in my heart, and it is also an inescapable grudge!

But she is not, Tuttle took out his desire.

Deep in her heart, it was magnified.

Even she herself ignored the resentment and was taken out by Tuttle and used it.

It made a sharp sword and pierced her greatest benefactor, cutting off their only little sisterhood.

At this moment, Yu Ping herself despised herself. If she hadn't been reading these all the time and had not really let go, how could she never return to Jiangcheng?

Have been traveling with Yuan Shao?

Now alive, Yu Ping is not only unable to face Hua Sheng, Feng Xi, and Yuan Shao!

So Yu Ping was really going to die. Just dying like this, she thought it was a remedy. Now as long as the thought of those two blades pierced Feng Xi’s stomach, there is a living life there, so she would Putting her hands on it, the child is really good, she even felt her heartbeat...

But how could she be so cruel...

Yu Ping squeezed her hand tightly, letting the blood continue to flow, feeling the pain, she understood that compared with Fengxi's pain, it was not as good as one-tenth of hers, and Yu Ping hated herself to death!

Ginkgo was self-conscious and had no face to see Hua Sheng. He never thought about following everyone into the room to escape. He continued to sit on the ground, stretched out his hands, held his head, and was with Yu Ping, as if waiting for death.

Although she turned around at the last moment and provided the little lady with news, she really betrayed Hua Sheng at the beginning and really wanted to bring Jiang Xinrui to Tuttle. She knew exactly what Tuttle wanted to do.

Tuttle wanted the blood of the little lady, wouldn't that person be dead without blood?

She betrayed Hua Sheng for her own selfish desires, no matter how she made up later, she couldn't hide her sorry Hua Sheng!

But Jiang Xinrui couldn’t leave them alone. No matter what happened before, Hua Sheng would decide what happened after getting acquainted. Then he didn’t know what method he used and pushed them aside to make sure they would not be affected, and then he went with his father. , And fight.

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