Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3061: About to stab

At the moment when the rocket was unsheathed, the Dark Lord had his eyes staring like copper coins. As long as this was hit, he would definitely increase his vitality and his cultivation to a higher level.

As long as they can hurt the father and daughter, the others shouldn't be afraid. Besides, there are still a bunch of women and children. As for those two men, the Dark Lord didn't pay attention to them.

Because the aura and blood here are both superior tonic. Although he doesn’t need aura, but this kind of thing surrounds him, it makes him very comfortable and the blood he **** becomes more powerful, for him that's enough.

And the blood here can completely make up for his lack of blood over the years. It can be seen how different this ten-mile spring breeze is from his heart.

It's just that this difference also represents danger, because ordinary people won't have this ability. Even if he has been sealed for many years, he understands that the people in this family are not normal people.

The Dark Lord knows this very well, but he has no choice. It is not just that Jiang Xinrui will not let him go. He is returned from the sacrifice and needs to draw a lot of blood in a short period of time, otherwise he will not be able to sustain himself in this place. international.

Because he was dead a long time ago, the so-called seal is just a way of saying, it is better to speak.

A vampire like her who does not obey the rules at all, the older generation of wizards will not leave him at all, and only these little vampires in the modern era will choose to sacrifice him.

He had delayed too much time and had no chance to find more fresh blood, so he could only obtain materials from nearby, because at that moment, he never thought that this family would be so difficult to deal with.

It can be said that I have thought about being unusual but I have never thought of it being so unusual. After all, the sacrifice came for revenge. If the opponent is really easy to deal with, Tuttle would not choose to sacrifice him.

At the moment when the dark nerves made a monologue, his attack, which was two rockets, had already rushed in front of Jiangliu and his daughter.

Under the eyes of the Dark Lord, those two burning arrows were about to pierce their face hall, and a little further forward, they could penetrate their faces, corrode their bodies, and absorb their Blood, in this way, he can have a body, his own body, instead of this ethereal soul.

Although the soul also has the benefits of the soul, it is not a long-term solution. There is no body in this world, even if he is just a vampire, and he desires to have a living, warm body.

But his thoughts are after all a big dream. How could Jiang Liu look at such a rocket and not avoid it?

In other words, how could such a move hurt him? The entanglement with the Dark Lord here is just to train Jiang Xinrui's reaction speed. Who said the Dark Lord showed his ability, speed, and respect for Jiang? Liu said it was just dozing off and someone gave a pillow.

At the moment when the two rockets were about to pierce, in fact, in the blink of an eye, Jiang Liu watched Jiang Xinrui's reaction slowly for half a second. With a slight movement of his eyebrows, he gently raised his hand. An invisible barrier stood on the father and daughter. before.

I saw two rockets, or it could be said that two groups of rapid flames stopped in front of Jiangliu and his daughter.

When Jiang Xinrui thinks about that moment in the future, she feels that the rocket rushing towards her has touched her eyelashes!

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