Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3067: Sisterhood

No one knew that Hua Sheng was not so hard-hearted that he didn't care about anything at this time, but that he really didn't care about it.

He didn't even dare to look at Jasmine who was already dead, and he didn't even have the heart to go to the underworld and ask her why she made such a choice.

Because Hua Sheng was afraid of getting an even more sad answer after an inquiry.

There are also those two people pretending to be unconscious, Yu Ping and Ginkgo.

Hua Sheng didn't have the courage to walk to the two of them and ask them why?

How did the sisterhood between them come to this day? Hua Sheng didn't dare to think about where he was sorry to make everyone like this?

If Jiang Xinrui was just a normal child without any other abilities, she would have lost her child today.

Throwing a child next to a vampire is still in the hands of the closest person, even if he regrets it later, but what can he do?

Several children were almost broken in the hands of a group of vampires.

In the middle of this, if there is a time a little late, there will be irreversible results.

There is also Fengxi, Yu Ping's two blades directly broke the sisterhood of the two people.

It almost killed Feng Xi's mother and son...

This pile of things, one by one, any deviation or accident in any one thing is irreversible, Hua Sheng will fall into eternal guilt and self-blame, and she will never be happy all her life.

And these are all made by her best sister. How can Hua Sheng feel at ease?

Hua Sheng also didn't know what mentality to use to face these sisters whom she once exchanged with sincerity...

After Hua Sheng spoke, both Yu Ping and Ginkgo's body froze without opening their eyes, but their tears rolled down the corner of the eyes silently onto the grass.

Because they understood that Hua Sheng had completely abandoned them, and the sisterhood between them had reached the end.

So many things have happened in the past, how can sisterhood become what it is today?

Hua Sheng felt uncomfortable, and Yu Ping and Ginkgo were the same, and they had no face to face Hua Sheng.

Faceless face!

Everyone understands in their hearts, if they weren't always remembering, thinking, becoming obsessions, demons, and controlling their own minds, how could it have become what it is today.

They are sorry for Hua Sheng.

And what about Hua Sheng? In anyone's eyes, she is compelled...

But Hua Sheng's compulsion made them desperate today.

The friendship between the sisters has been completely broken!

As for Jasmine, who was already dead, even the body was hard. She had no idea now, but before she died, she regretted it.

Because she knew she was completely deceived, not only did she have no chance of being alive, but also no chance to see Nangong again.

In the past, people and immortals were separated, but now Yin and Yang were separated. There was no such possibility between them.

It was she who was so obsessed and refused to let go, and finally lost all the important people.

Once she was also happy, had a very good boss, treated her like a sister, and she also had a man who was obedient to her.

A piece of happiness is within her reach...

It was she who threw them all away, and in the end she threw them all her life, and she had no face to face Hua Sheng.

But whether it’s Yu Ping, Ginkgo, even Jasmine, even Hua Lin in the room, they are all the same poor people. At the last moment, they only feel that they shouldn’t, even facelessly, they just do it again and it will still be the same. s Choice……

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