Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3087: Guilt

Wang Junxian is actually very strict with the prince. In front of him, Wang Junxian seldom gets too nervous, because in Wang Junxian's view, the prince is a bit too spoiled.

Even if Hua Zhi rarely said anything, no matter whether it was Hua Zhi or the others in the Wang family, they all wished to hold the prince in their mouths. If this continues, the prince will become a little squeamish.

Wang Junxian is also worried that the prince’s ability to withstand pressure is very weak, so as the prince grows up, he cares little about the prince on the surface, and the prince hopes that he can get the care of his father, and he will become strong when encountering things. Awards.

Regarding this, Wang Junxian knew that in the prince's heart, he was a father who didn't care much about him. There was a gap in the prince's heart, but he still hoped that the prince could be independent since childhood.

Unlike other parents, Wang Junxian always thinks that the child grows up just fine, but in fact, is it all right?

Once some habits are formed, they are difficult to eradicate!

Habits will follow him forever.

Because of some habits, the ability to resist stress is not strong. In the future life, when he suffers a loss, it is too late to regret.

His method may not be right, but for the current situation of their family, this is the best way.

"If you dislike it, just dislike it, it's enough if I don't dislike it with you."

Wang Junxian hugged Hua Zhi tightly, and missed standing with her last night. Wang Junxian felt that he had missed a lot. Now looking at Hua Zhi well, he really didn’t hold it enough...

Ten miles of spring breeze.

In Huazhi was also picked up by Wang Junxian, and only Fengxi was the only one left.

And Hua Sheng's mood is really much better because of Hua Zhi, and it can be said that he has got some comfort.

When I saw Feng Xi again, his expression didn't use too much emotion, but when he saw Jiang Xinrui, Hua Sheng still made a straight face.


"Don't be angry with me, I know I was wrong, I have already apologized to Aunt Fengxi, and this will never happen again in the future."

"I am too conceited, I overestimate myself, I think I can solve it very well, don't let you worry about..."

"I know that an apology can't make everything happen... but I really didn't expect..."

Jiang Xinrui's voice was choked, because she really saw the situation of Aunt Feng Xi, her heart was really stimulated...

At this time, she also knew that everyone was almost gone, otherwise her mother might not have time to take care of her.

Now that there is time, Jiang Xinrui naturally has to apologize to her mother quickly, but obviously her mother still doesn't want to pay attention to her.

Jiang Xinrui had no choice but to look at her father for help.

She was really guilty, especially when she looked at Aunt Feng Xi lying on the bed, her face was still pale, not just because she gave birth to the baby and caused her bloodlessness.

There is also Aunt Feng Xi’s own physical condition, injury plus premature delivery, if it weren’t because of her strong spiritual power and timely maintenance, it would have been...

Jiang Xinrui didn't even dare to think about it. If something really happened, Jiang Xinrui couldn't forgive herself.

Even if it was because of her mother's spiritual power that she was saved, Jiang Xinrui knew that this couldn't hide her almost getting into a catastrophe!

She shouldn't go by herself, she thought that her parents would be in no danger, but she didn't expect Tuttle to be so despicable and set the trap so big!

Of course, everything is sophistry now, Jiang Xinrui has also followed Aunt Fengxi's apology very seriously, and more of it is really guilty!

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