Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3107: Four-year period

Wait until that day, it is better to end early and kill all the buds in the cradle.

In this way, there is no need to hurt innocent people.

Just like his grandparents, what's wrong with them?

"Auntie, if I continue to live like this, the house is restless. When I reach adulthood, I will be the last to take care of my parents."

"A little bit of filial piety!"

"Do you agree?"

Bai Kangning looked at everyone's expressions, Hua Sheng was silent, and Bai Kangning could only continue to speak.

Today has become like this, he must let Hua Sheng promise him.

As long as Hua Sheng agreed, she would definitely be able to do it.

Regardless of whether he found a way to untie the spell in the end, Hua Sheng agreed to him today, and Bai Kangning also recognized it.

For him, it is the best result.

As for Hua Lin... It is impossible for Bai Kangning to ask Hua Sheng to kill her. He was no longer there anyway. Hua Lin also broke contact with Hua Sheng’s family. There was no one beside Hua Lin, and she was not afraid of killing her... …

"What are you talking about, boy!"

"You let your aunt kill you? How can she get it?"

"There will be a way, in life, who doesn't have any difficulties!"

"You can't give up yourself because of this suffering. It's okay. Let's find a way together and we will definitely be able to walk through..."

Hua Zhi no longer knew what to say, so he squatted down and wanted to hug Bai Kangning, but when he stretched out his hand, looking at the child's injuries, Hua Zhi stopped again.

I was afraid that touching Bai Kangning's wound would make him hurt.

He has enough pain.

Hua Zhi finally squatted in front of Bai Kangning and couldn't help crying, what kind of disappointment it was that made this child lose hope.

The prince looked at his mother, then looked at his brother, his small eyes were also red, and he didn't dare to hold his brother, so he hugged and comforted Hua Zhi.

Wang Junxian raised his hand to cover his face, feeling really bad.

In the beginning, I just wanted to help the child, but I didn't expect to involve so much, but now, Bai Kangning has no desire to live.

Wang Junxian didn't know whether he should save him at the beginning?

Jiang Liu is thinking about this question too!

If it's just to give some help as usual, the grievances he has pressed in his heart, and the only desire to hope that Hua Lin can return to normal, can he still live patiently?

What's the point of just living like this?

Jiang Xinrui stood beside Hua Sheng, looking up at her mother, waiting for her answer.

In fact, this matter was a dead end from the beginning!

no result.

Jiang Xinrui was sure that when this incident happened, her mother must have thought about taking one step at a time, only thinking about saving her sister.

Similarly, Jiang Xinrui also understands that no one can think of this step today.

After all, if you know that there is an abyss ahead, who would move forward without any worries?

Regarding this matter now, Jiang Xinrui has no way. The way she can think of to solve it is to remove the talisman directly!

In the end, there is no need to think, Hua Lin and Bai Kangning are bound to die!

In this way, isn't the original rescue in vain? After being together for fourteen years, letting Hua Lin and Bai Kangning leave... it was a heart-wrenching injury.

"it is good!"

"I promised!"

"By the time you are eighteen, there are four years left. These four years are the time for me to find a solution. Once the four-year deadline is over, no matter what the outcome is, I will give you a result!"

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