Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3110: Found wrong

When Bai Kangning heard Bai Hao’s voice, she hurried out, just because she was going to take a bath and put medicine on it, and her clothes were torn by Hua Zhi...

Originally, I wanted to come out directly, but I didn't have to think about it and my father would doubt it, so Bai Kangning changed his clothes and packed up before coming out.

In fact, it takes less than two minutes to add them together, but in just two minutes, the emotions are vaguely uncontrollable outside.

Bai Kangning really felt that she was a scourge. If she did not come today, there would not be so many things.

It's just that if he doesn't come, there is no way to get Hua Sheng's guarantee, and no one can get what he has except Hua Sheng.

But I didn't expect everyone to think about his father.

Bai Kangning should not make his affairs bigger and bigger, he is really enough now, and tired...

Although compared with many people, his life is still very short and he has not experienced a lot. For him, it is really enough, and it has completely exceeded his brain capacity.

Bai Kangning has begun to contact incompetence.

"What's wrong with you? What's wrong with your legs? Let me see."

"Your mother told me to come to Shili Chunfeng to see you? What does it mean to go home again?"

"You two aunts, and everyone, why are you like this? What are you hiding from me?"

Bai Hao's heart was in a mess. Seeing that his son was getting messier, he didn't care if he should leave in a hurry... he would be hated.

Because of who Bai Hao is, his power of observation is not just talking, he was just completely distracted before, and the whole person was really going to be tortured and collapsed by Hua Lin.

There was no energy and no intention to take care of the house, but it was different now. When Bai Kangning ran towards him, his eyebrows were painful. Although Bai Kangning tried to hide, he still saw that there was a problem.

After Bai Hao said this, he raised his head and looked at the others, especially Hua Zhi. He was about to eat him. There were two children. When he asked this, the tears came out instantly, whether it was or not. coincidence!

But if Bai Hao couldn't feel anything, he would be a policeman for nothing.

When the words fell, watching Bai Kangning insisted that he was going home if there was nothing to do, Bai Hao didn't say a word, and opened Bai Kangning's trousers, and because the clothes broke free, half of his wrist was exposed...

Bai Kangning's injury does not need to be exposed in order to see the tragic situation, because he is really injured too much, as long as a little more is enough.

It was enough for Bai Hao to change his face.

"What's going on? Who did it?"

"Does it hurt? Why don't you tell me?"

"How long has this..."

Bai Hao had already changed his face when he saw the leg injury first. Before he could say anything, he saw the marks on his wrists, and he rolled the two sleeves apart.

Bai Hao's eyes were also red, and he held Bai Kangning tightly, and after a series of questions, he would not let this person go.

He can't beat his child like this for any reason!

Bai Hao understood what Hua Zhi meant, and soon after seeing the continued silence of the people, Bai Hao calmed down, and he seemed to understand.

When he went home, what did Hua Lin's words mean?

"Dad! I'm fine, these are not important anymore, you just said that you came here, is your mother let you come?"

"Hurry up and see me, look up, go home?"

"its not right……"

"Let's go home soon, my mother won't be..."

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