Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3147: : Killing parents

Feng Wumian saw what his parents still didn't understand, and for a moment he really felt that the world had collapsed.

Why can't even say a word.

Eyes are red.

Feng Wuming watched his brother with his own eyes, and shed two lines of blood and tears.

"Big Brother..."

Feng Wuming thought that he recognized this sister-in-law and coaxed him to calm him down. After all, some people in the family agreed with him, and not everyone opposed it. Perhaps his heart could be comforted.

Will not crash directly.

But Feng Wuming thinks a lot, maybe he has overestimated his brother's ability to withstand it.

A twenty-year-old is equivalent to the pinnacle of an ordinary person's life. He has strong abilities and high talents, but he is the most vulnerable to feelings.

The soft underbelly in the heart that cannot be touched, the person who is careful to maintain, once broken, it is a devastating disaster.

Feng Wumian couldn't accept it at all.

Unless the person who broke him can come back, it will never be possible.

Because Feng Wumian's father had already let Le Yu's soul fly away in order to completely cut off all his thoughts. You must know that the demon is not reincarnated. If there is, then what a powerful demon must be, and the resentment will last?

Le Yu is capable, and she still has a child in her womb. In order to protect the child, she has transferred her energy to the child. Even so, it is the result of the death of both mother and child...

Le Yu couldn't come back anymore, as everyone could see.

Feng Wumian can see it naturally, and this has been unacceptable.

"What else to ask, the Feng Family should have done this long ago!"

"If you belonged to my family, you would have been dealt with long ago when you found out that you were in collusion with the evil demon. Where would you wait until now?"

"Feng Wumian is completely crazy now, what are you waiting for? Do you really want to wait until he shoots and wants to kill us?"

The Patriarch of the Yan family came prepared this time, and joined several Patriarchs to fight Feng Wuxian.

Feng's parents, so that Feng Wuming couldn't stop him.

In other words, Feng Wuming couldn't stop it because his parents gave up.

In the eyes of Feng's parents, Feng Wumian can't be saved.

The devilish spirit in him is already going to be overwhelming. When the Patriarch of the Yan family cursed, Feng Wumian was already intoxicated. He couldn't accept it. His parents were so unrelenting, even killing his wife and children!

"My biological parents, who killed my wife, children, and you are also accomplices."

"I will not let you go for such a big hatred."

Feng Wumian said such words calmly.

But what he did was not calm at all, and his hands kept condensing energy against the family headed by the Yan family.

The mana of the two parties is stuck in the middle, one black and the other white, just like Tai Chi Gossip, two extremes appear, but the difference is that Tai Chi Gossip can coexist, but now it is to fight to death and life!

And Feng Wumian’s so-called calmness, in Feng Wuming’s eyes, is nothing but anger to the extreme, heartache to the extreme...

At that moment, Feng Wuming's heart was particularly painful. He wanted to do something to restore his brother, but he couldn't do anything. Can't get close at all.

The evil spirit in Feng Wumian's body is too strong, and those with low spiritual power like him will be eroded to death.

"Listen, this person has been completely assimilated by the evil spirits, not just to kill us, but also to kill his parents!"

The several Patriarchs of the Yan family also changed their faces and joined one after another, making the spiritual circle of the Patriarch of the Yan family even larger, with a faintly overwhelming aura of Feng Wuxian.

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