Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3157: : People who value

"Qin Wanyu, your uncle, get out of here!"

Feng Xi had been very serious about discussing with Qin Wanyu, but as a result, the man said very well in the front, but the more he said later, the more obscene he said.

The child is still in her arms, and she says everything.

After Feng Xi said this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise. Although Qin Wanyu's words were out of touch, Feng Xi knew that he was comforting himself.

She understands Qin Wanyu's heart, but she feels even more guilty.

She believes that Qin Wanyu can ignore it, what about his family?

What kind of pressure is on Qin Wanyu?

After Feng Xi smiled, her heart was still heavy, and she was worried about Qin Xiaobao's future.

Too many may be something she cannot predict and cannot change.

When she had no children before, when she saw other people's children, she was still thinking, what is there to worry about, children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, she is really casual.

No intervention will be imposed.

But in fact, when this day really arrived, Feng Xi couldn't control herself at all.

Maybe I still haven't adapted to this role as a mother.

And Qin Xiaobao himself, who has been troubled by Fengxi, has eaten and drank enough... Continue to make people, he wants to go home! But the energy was obviously not as excited last night, the voice was much lower, and he fell asleep in a daze.

It is the limit for a little baby to survive till now!

As for Qin Wanyu, after being scolded by Fengxi, he was very obedient and went away on his own. This month, he took care of Fengxi and hardly left the ten-mile spring breeze.

Now that Feng Xi is out of confinement, his injuries are healed, and it is time for him to go to work. The company's affairs have long been piled up.

Qin Wanyu is just an ordinary person, he still has an ordinary life, and he respects his own life very much, and when he is about to solve the problem of wind, he will be busy with his own affairs.

After all, you still have to live.

It's just that when Qin Wanyu went out, his humble expression slowly let go, turning his head to look at the window of Fengxi's room, as if looking at the Fengxi inside through the edge of the window.

Feng Xi's words, how could he not understand, he just thought about him and didn't want to continue.

If he didn't know Feng Xi, his life would definitely be old enough to find a woman to give birth to an heir to the Qin family. Although there is no succession to the throne, the Qin family group cannot fall into the hands of outsiders.

This was also Qin Wanyu's thoughts, but later, it may be that he followed Feng Xi and experienced too many things he had never thought of. Qin Wanyu really felt that some things were really outside.

not important.

When a person has experienced a lot, see clearly what you value, the others are really not important.

He loves Fengxi, he loves it, and he is afraid of losing. He does not want to upset Fengxi and affect their future lives because of some indifferent things about him...

Thinking of this, Qin Wanyu smiled again and went to work with joy, but before going to work, he needs to go to a place, Qin's house!

When Qin Wanyu left, he didn't see a black car parked in the corner. It was very hidden and seemed to be waiting for something.

"Madam, Master is leaving."

Xiao Zhu, the front-row driver, replied in a low voice, then got up and opened the door of the back seat.

On the back seat sat a graceful and luxurious woman. Hearing this, she slowly opened her eyes and took off her sunglasses, revealing a face that was extremely imaginative to Qin Wanyu...

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