Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3164: : I am here

After Bai Ran finished speaking, he planned to turn around and introduce him, but when he turned around, he saw that the hapless child was gone. I don't know when he was gone?

Because to meet Jiang Xinrui, Bai Ran was still looking forward to Jiang Xinrui who was growing up, so he didn't care about the people behind him, and he didn't pay attention when he disappeared.

After yelling a few times, Jiang Xinrui looked a little embarrassed.

"This kid is not like this usually. It may be because he is embarrassed to see the little girl. He rarely contacts people."

"But he is really more useful than the real book boy guarding the library!"

"As far as I know, no one can read all the books here! You have also seen them. The books here are completely invisible and endless, and there are many hidden books here, which are not superficial, they are a little temperamental. , Because years have passed, some auras have soul consciousness, you are not satisfied with its requirements, it will not let you see the content, but this is also good, that is, you are satisfied with it, and you don’t need a copy Read it and it will tell you what it knows, which can save a lot of time."

"After all, no one knows this book library better than these book spirits."

"And the person I found for you is best able to deal with these book spirits, and they can be familiar with them. Even the pavilion owner of Cangshuge is greatly admired, and he wants to abdicate and become a virtuous person."

"With him, you can get twice the result with half the effort, so when Hua Sheng looked for me, I thought of him directly."

"This is the meeting, I don't know where it went."

"Dong Nong? Chi Feng?"

Bai Ran's name and nickname are called together. It's just how old this child has grown up. The longer the better, I don't want to say it. The character has become dull. If he doesn't take the initiative to let him do something, he will stay quiet, like a A nerd who can only practice, either cultivates at home or reads in the library.

If it wasn't for the pavilion master of Cangshu Pavilion to find him and didn't want to do it, Bai Ran would have thought that the child was stupid in studying. He didn't expect that he would have nothing to do with the pavilion master who had been guarding him for many years.

And Jiang Xinrui has always been confused about Bai Ran's words.

This also made Bai Ran think that she didn't understand why she had just found someone to help her, and explained it specifically to her.

But this is not the case. Jiang Xinrui feels that she is about to meet an acquaintance?

Originally Jiang Xinrui was not sure, but when she heard the name Bai Ran called out, whether it was a big name or a nickname, he matched it. Besides, it was his younger brother, so there was no one else.

Isn't it the little purple phoenix?

Back then, she still had to be friends with her, but at that time she was really not in that mood. She took out all kinds of righteousness, the boundaries between humans and demons, said cruel words, and drove him away...

It has been missing for several years. She remembered that his sister later told her specifically that Nong Nong went back to the Demon Realm to practice in retreat. No one can find it?

How come it has become a library in the heavens now?

Even have a good relationship with the elves of Shuge?

Just as Jiang Xinrui was puzzled, she suddenly heard a noise behind her, and then saw a purple whirlwind staying in front of Bai Ran.

"Stop shouting, I'm here, I went to find a few older book spirits."

The dense phantom transforms into a human form, with a few lively little things in his hands, like transparent bubbles, without entities, how you pinch it, it will look like.

Not at all rest in thick hands, as if about to burst open, as if to run!

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