Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3180: : Good at slaps

And Hua Sheng said seriously, she has always thanked Ming Yan less.

Ming Yan really helped her a lot, a lot.

It is even more so now that it was the years she was a human, what she impulsively did, she should have paid for it herself.

But everyone around her suffered and suffered with her.

Hua Sheng really felt that she was the most selfish in fact.

This thanks to Ming Yan also brought an apologize.

Even Ming Yan would never tell her what happened to her, but Hua Sheng knew that he was also very embarrassed.

Because of her, he was even more embarrassed for a long time.

She couldn't be too much, she kept Ming Yan helping her without a bottom line forever.

Hua Sheng knew this very well.

After saying this, Hua Sheng didn't say anything more, or said that she didn't have to wait for Ming Yan's answer. She knew very well what was adequate and could not always make Ming Yan embarrassed. My friend did not do this.

Hua Sheng left the underworld directly, and according to the plan, experimented with Mingyan's several methods.

At the same time, the human world.

Ten miles of spring breeze.

"I didn't go in the morning? You came back in the evening?"

"Find a way so soon?"

As soon as Jiang Liu came back from get off work and didn't even change his clothes, he saw Hua Sheng hurriedly approaching with a chill.

Jiang Liu felt a little puzzled, a solution he hadn't found for more than ten years, wouldn't it be so fast?

Of course, Jiang Liu didn't mean anything else. To solve it earlier and end it earlier, this matter has been dragged on and this is not a solution.

As Bai Kangning grows bigger and bigger, more and more people come into contact with him, and harm is inevitable.

Because Bai Kangning didn't know it before, so there was no one around him to avoid the distance, even if it was reminded by Hua Sheng, but the child had that thought.

Nowadays, there are some children with butterfly effect. Just today, Jiang Liu just got the news, and he still wanted to tell Hua Sheng, but Hua Sheng returned.

Now Bai Kangning has completely stopped interacting with other people, but just went back to eat a meal. The classmates who went there together, the teacher had a car accident.

This is another blow to Bai Kangning's heart. Although it is not life-saving, no one knows when the next accident will be.

Bai Kangning's decision is actually understood by Jiang Liu.

Regardless of whether it is really normal, Hua Lin always surrounds her husband and children. The family has moved to the suburbs, and there are no neighbors around, so she lives quietly.

Once a week, Bai Hao went out to buy groceries and left a message for Jiang Liu when he left. If there is any news from Huasheng, he will go to the suburbs to find their family.

Unless necessary, they won't go out.

Regarding this, Jiang Liu has no opinion.

Hua Sheng was still silent when he told the matter to Hua Sheng, and then Hua Sheng also told Jiang Liu that he was coming back.

"I know, I'll be over in a while."

"Then you help me go to the underworld. If there is any progress on my side, I will inform you. If it is useless, it is not a delay."

"By the way, before you go to the underworld, you should go to the heaven and see if there is any news from your daughter."

Hua Sheng finished speaking and prepared to go to the suburbs to find Hua Lin.

In fact, Hua Sheng didn't think Ming Yan told her a great deal, but he still had to try it. In addition, Jiang Liu and Jiang Xinrui were still trying to find a way, and they would not delay things.

As for Jiang Xinrui, Hua Sheng felt that he didn't know when he was better at slaps...

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